Ondřej Lhoták
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[Theses Supervised]
Lhoták O.,
Wadler, P.,
A simple blame calculus for explicit nulls,
JFP 34, e15, 2025.
Lee E.,
Zhao Y.,
Lhoták O.,
You J.,
Satheeskumar K.,
Brachthäuser J. I.,
Qualifying System F<:: Some Terms and Conditions May Apply,
OOPSLA 2024, Pasadena, October 2024.
Dort V.,
Li Y.,
Lhoták O.,
Parízek P.,
Pure Methods for roDOT,
ECOOP 2024, Vienna, September 2024.
Boruch-Gruszecki A.,
Odersky M.,
Lee E.,
Lhoták O.,
Brachthäuser J.,
Capturing Types,
TOPLAS 45, 4, Article 21, 2023.
D'Souza M.,
You J.,
Lhoták O.,
Prokopec A.,
TASTyTruffle: Just-in-Time Specialization of Parametric Polymorphism,
OOPSLA 2023, Cascais, October 2023.
Liu F.,
Lhoták O.,
Hua D.,
Xing E.,
Initializing Global Objects: Time and Order,
OOPSLA 2023, Cascais, October 2023.
Distinguished Paper Award
Lee E.,
Lhoták O.,
Simple Reference Immutability for System F<:,
OOPSLA 2023, Cascais, October 2023.
Starup J. L.,
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Breaking the Negative Cycle: Exploring the Design Space of Stratification for First-Class Datalog Constraints,
ECOOP 2023, Seattle, July 2023.
Lee E.,
Satheeskumar K.,
Lhoták O.,
Dependency-Free Capture Tracking,
FTfJP 2023, Seattle, July 2023.
Madsen M.,
Starup J. L.,
Lhoták O.,
Flix: A Meta Programming Language for Datalog,
Datalog 2022, Genoa, September 2022.
Liu F.,
Lhoták O.,
Xing E.,
Pham N. C.,
Safe object initialization, abstractly,
Scala 2021, online/Chicago, October 2021.
Odersky M.,
Boruch-Gruszecki A.,
Brachthäuser J. I.,
Lee E.,
Lhoták O.,
Safer exceptions for Scala,
Scala 2021, online/Chicago, October 2021.
Ali K.,
Lai X.,
Luo Z.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Tip F.,
A Study of Call Graph Construction for JVM-Hosted Languages
IEEE TSE 47(12): 2644-2666, 2021.
Kabir I.,
Li Y.,
Lhoták O.,
ɩDOT: A DOT Calculus with Object Initialization,
OOPSLA 2020, online, November 2020.
tech. rep.)
Distinguished Artifact Award
Liu F.,
Lhoták O.,
Biboudis A.,
Giarusso P. G.,
Odersky M.,
A Type-and-Effect System for Object Initialization,
OOPSLA 2020, online, November 2020.
(tech. rep.)
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Fixpoints for the Masses: Programming with First-Class Datalog Constraints,
OOPSLA 2020, online, November 2020.
(tech. rep.)
Nieto A.,
Zhao Y.,
Lhoták O.,
Chang A.,
Pu J.,
Scala with Explicit Nulls,
ECOOP 2020, online, November 2020.
Dort V.,
Lhoták O.,
Reference Mutability for DOT,
ECOOP 2020, online, November 2020.
(tech. rep.)
Nieto A.,
Rapoport M.,
Richards G.,
Lhoták O.,
Blame for Null,
ECOOP 2020, online, November 2020.
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
A Semantics for the Essence of React,
ECOOP 2020, online, November 2020.
(tech. rep.)
Hu J. Z. S.,
Lhoták O.,
Undecidability of D<: and Its Decidable Fragments,
POPL 2020, New Orleans, January 2020.
tech. rep.)
Distinguished Paper Award
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
A Path to DOT: Formalizing Fully Path-Dependent Types,
OOPSLA 2019, Athens, October 2019.
tech. rep.)
Distinguished Artifact Award
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Fast detection of concurrency errors by state space traversal with randomization and early backtracking,
STTT 21(4): 365-400, 2019.
© Springer
Kabir I.,
Lhoták O.,
κDOT: Scaling DOT with Mutation and Constructors,
Scala 2018, St. Louis, September 2018.
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Implicit Parameters for Logic Programming,
PPDP 2018, Frankfurt, September 2018.
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Safe and sound program analysis with Flix,
ISSTA 2018, Amsterdam, July 2018.
Madsen M.,
Zarifi R.,
Lhoták O.,
Tail call elimination and data representation for functional languages on the Java virtual machine,
CC 2018, Vienna, February 2018.
Rapoport M.,
Kabir I.,
He P.,
Lhoták O.,
A Simple Soundness Proof for Dependent Object Types,
OOPSLA 2017, Vancouver, October 2017.
tech. rep.)
Distinguished Artifact Award
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
A Model for Reasoning About JavaScript Promises,
OOPSLA 2017, Vancouver, October 2017.
Thiessen R.,
Lhoták O.,
Context Transformations for Pointer Analysis,
PLDI 2017, Barcelona, June 2017.
Petrashko D.,
Lhoták O.,
Odersky M.,
Miniphases: Compilation using Modular and Efficient Tree Transformations,
PLDI 2017, Barcelona, June 2017.
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Mutable WadlerFest DOT,
FTfJP 2017, Barcelona, June 2017.
Rapoport M.,
Suter P.,
Wittern E.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Who you gonna call? Analyzing Web Requests in Android Applications,
MSR 2017, Buenos Aires, May 2017.
(tech. rep.)
Brotherston D.,
Dietl W.,
Lhoták O.,
Granullar: Gradual Nullable Types for Java,
CC 2017, Austin, February 2017.
Frumkin A.,
Feldman Y.,
Lhoták O.,
Padon O.,
Sagiv M.,
Shoham S.,
Property Directed Reachability for Proving Absence of Concurrent Modification Errors,
VMCAI 2017, Paris, January 2017.
© Springer
Petrashko D.,
Ureche V.,
Lhoták O.,
Odersky M.,
Call Graphs for Languages with Parametric Polymorphism,
OOPSLA 2016, Amsterdam, November 2016.
Madsen M.,
Yee M.-H.,
Lhoták O.,
From Datalog to Flix: A Declarative Language for Fixed Points on Lattices,
PLDI 2016, Santa Barbara, June 2016.
Ali K.,
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Tip F.,
Type-Based Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Scala,
TOSEM 25, 1, Article 9, 2015.
Madsen M.,
Tip F.,
Lhoták O.,
Static analysis of event-driven Node.js JavaScript applications,
OOPSLA 2015, Pittsburgh, October 2015.
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
Precise Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Correlated Method Calls,
SAS 2015, Saint-Malo, September 2015.
© Springer
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Model checking of concurrent programs with static analysis of field accesses,
Sci. Comput. Program. 98(4):735-763, 2015.
© Elsevier
Ali K.,
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Tip F.,
Constructing Call Graphs of Scala Programs,
ECOOP 2014, Uppsala, July 2014.
© Springer
Distinguished Artifact Award
Ali K.,
Lhoták O.,
Averroes: Whole-Program Analysis without the Whole Program,
ECOOP 2013, Montpellier, July 2013.
© Springer
Leung, A., Lhoták O., Lashari, G.,
Parallel execution of Java loops on Graphics Processing Units,
Sci. Comput. Program. 78(5):458-480, 2013.
© Elsevier
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Predicate Abstraction of Java Programs with Collections,
OOPSLA 2012, Tucson, Oct. 2012.
Ali K.,
Lhoták O.,
Application-Only Call Graph Construction,
ECOOP 2012, Beijing, June 2012.
© Springer
Marron M.,
Lhoták O.,
Banerjee A.,
Programming Paradigm Driven Heap Analysis,
CC 2012, Talinn, March 2012.
© Springer
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Identifying Future Field Accesses in Exhaustive State Space Traversal,
ASE 2011, Lawrence, Nov. 2011.
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Randomized Backtracking: Next Steps,
JPF 2011, Lawrence, Nov. 2011.
Lam P.,
Bodden E.,
Lhoták O.,
Hendren L.,
The Soot Framework for JAVA Program Analysis: A Retrospective,
CETUS 2011, Galveston Island, Oct. 2011.
Parízek P.,
Lhoták O.,
Randomized Backtracking in State Space Traversal,
SPIN 2011, Snowbird, July 2011.
© Springer
Naeem N. A.,
Lhoták O.,
Faster Alias Set Analysis Using Summaries,
CC 2011, Saarbrücken, March 2011.
© Springer
Rodriguez J.,
Lhoták O.,
Actor-based Parallel Dataflow Analysis,
CC 2011, Saarbrücken, March 2011.
© Springer
Lhoták O.,
Chung K.-C. A.,
Points-To Analysis with Efficient Strong Updates,
POPL 2011, Austin, January 2011.
Smaragdakis Y.,
Bravenboer M.,
Lhoták O.,
Pick Your Contexts Well: Understanding Object-Sensitivity,
POPL 2011, Austin, January 2011.
Bodden E.,
Hendren L.,
Lam P.,
Lhoták O.,
Naeem N. A.,
Collaborative Runtime Verification with Tracematches,
LogCom 20(3):707-723, June 2010.
© Oxford Journals
Lhoták O.,
Curial S.,
Amaral J. N.,
An Optimal Encoding to Represent a Single Set in an ROBDD,
IEEE TC 59(4):574-575, April 2010.
Naeem N., Lhoták O., Rodriguez J.,
Practical Extensions to the IFDS Algorithm,
CC 2010, Paphos, March 2010.
© Springer
Leung, A., Lhoták O., Lashari, G.,
Automatic Parallelization for Graphics Processing Units,
PPPJ 2009, Calgary, August 2009.
Naeem, N., Lhoták O.,
Efficient Alias Set Analysis Using SSA Form,
ISMM 2009, Dublin, June 2009.
Lhoták O.,
Curial S.,
Amaral J. N.,
Using XBDDs and ZBDDs in points-to analysis,
SP&E 39(2):163-188, 2009.
© Wiley
Naeem, N., Lhoták O.,
Typestate-like analysis of multiple interacting objects,
OOPSLA 2008, Nashville, October 2008.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Evaluating the benefits of context-sensitive points-to analysis using a BDD-based implementation,
TOSEM 18, 1, Article 3, 2008.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Relations as an abstraction for BDD-based program analysis,
TOPLAS 30, 4, Article 19, 2008.
Méndez-Lojo M.,
Lhoták O.,
Hermenegildo M. V.,
Efficient Set Sharing using ZBDDs,
LCPC 2008, Edmonton, August 2008.
© Springer
Lashari G.,
Lhoták O.,
McCool M.,
Control Flow Emulation on Tiled SIMD Architectures,
CC 2008, Budapest, April 2008.
© Springer
Richard, A.,
Lhoták O.,
OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java,
FOOL 2008, San Francisco, January 2008.
Lhoták O.,
Curial S.,
Amaral J. N.,
Using ZBDDs in Points-to Analysis,
LCPC 2007, Urbana, October 2007.
© Springer
Bodden, E.,
Hendren L.,
Lhoták O.,
A staged static program analysis to improve the performance of runtime monitoring,
ECOOP 2007, Berlin, July 2007.
© Springer
Lhoták O.,
Comparing Call Graphs,
PASTE 2007, San Diego, June 2007.
Bodden E.,
Hendren L.,
Lam P.,
Lhoták O.,
Naeem N. A.,
Collaborative runtime verification with tracematches,
RV 2007, Vancouver, March 2007.
© Springer
Avgustinov P.,
Bodden E.,
Hajiyev E.,
Hendren L.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Ongkingco N.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Verbaere M.,
Aspects for Trace Monitoring,
FATES/RV 2006, Seattle, August 2006.
© Springer
Lhoták O.,
Hendren L.,
Context-sensitive points-to analysis: is it worth it?,
CC 2006, Vienna, March 2006.
© Springer
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
abc: An extensible AspectJ compiler,
TAOSD, 1(1):293-334, 2006.
© Springer
Allan C.,
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Adding Trace Matching with Free Variables to AspectJ,
OOPSLA 2005, San Diego, October 2005.
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Optimising AspectJ,
PLDI 2005, Chicago, June 2005.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Run-time evaluation of opportunities for object inlining in Java,
C&C:P&E 17(5-6):515-537, 2005.
© Wiley
Le A.,
Lhoták O.,
Hendren L.,
Using inter-procedural side-effect information in JIT optimizations,
CC 2005, Edinburgh, April 2005.
© Springer
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
abc: An extensible AspectJ compiler,
AOSD 2005, Chicago, March 2005.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Jedd: A BDD-based relational extension of Java,
PLDI 2004, Washington, June 2004.
Lhoták J., Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Integrating the Soot compiler infrastructure into an IDE,
CC 2004, Barcelona, April 2004.
© Springer
Lhoták J., Lhoták O.,
Visualizing Program Analysis with the Soot-Eclipse Plugin,
eTX (at ETAPS) 2004, Barcelona, March 2004.
© Elsevier
Berndl M., Lhoták O., Qian, F., Hendren L., Umanee N.,
Points-to Analysis using BDDs,
PLDI 2003, San Diego, June 2003.
(slides .pdf)
(slides .ps)
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Scaling Java Points-To Analysis using Spark,
CC 2003, Warsaw, April 2003.
(slides .pdf)
(slides .ps)
© Springer
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Run-time Evaluation of Opportunities for Object Inlining in Java,
Java Grande-ISCOPE 2002, Seattle, November 2002.
Lhoták O.,
Program Analysis using Binary Decision Diagrams,
Ph.D. thesis, School of Computer Science, McGill University, January 2006.
Lhoták O.,
Spark: A flexible points-to analysis framework for Java,
M.Sc. thesis, School of Computer Science, McGill University, February 2003.
Richard A.,
Lhoták O.,
OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java,
OOPSLA 2007, Montreal, October 2007.
Left half
Right half
Avgustinov P.,
Tibble J.,
Bodden E.,
Hendren L.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Ongkingco N.,
Sittampalam G.,
Efficient Trace Monitoring,
OOPSLA 2006, Portland, October 2006.
Allan C.,
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Dufour B.,
Goard C.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Verbrugge C.,
abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ,
OOPSLA 2005, San Diego, October 2005.
Left half
Right half
Lhoták O.,
SPARK: Soot Pointer Analysis Research Kit,
Poster presented at Student Research Forum, PLDI 2002, Berlin, June 2002.
Cormack G.V., Lhoták O., Palmer C.R.,
Estimating Precision by Random Sampling,
Berkeley, August 1999.
Lee E.,
Zhao Y.,
Lhoták O.,
You J.,
Satheeskumar K.,
Brachthäuser J. I.,
Qualifying System F-sub,
November 2023.
Lee E.,
Lhoták O.,
Simple Reference Immutability for System F-sub,
July 2023.
Boruch-Gruszecki A.,
Brachthäuser J. I.,
Lee E.,
Lhoták O.,
Odersky M.,
Tracking Captured Variables in Types,
May 2021.
Yee M.-H.,
Badouraly A.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
Vitek J.,
Precise Dataflow Analysis of Event-Driven Applications,
October 2019.
Kabir I.,
Li Y.,
Lhoták O.,
ɩDOT: A DOT Calculus with Object Initialization,
Technical Report CS-2020-06,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, October 2020.
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Fixpoints for the Masses: Programming with First-Class Datalog Constraints,
Technical Report CS-2020-05,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, October 2020.
Dort V.,
Lhoták O.,
Reference mutability for DOT – roDOT definitions and proofs,
Technical Report D3S-TR-2020-01,
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems,
Charles University, October 2020.
Liu F.,
Lhoták O.,
Biboudis A.,
Giarusso P. G.,
Odersky M.,
Safe Initialization of Objects,
Technical Report 279970,
EPFL Infoscience,
September 2020.
Madsen M.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
A Semantics for the Essence of React,
Technical Report CS-2020-03,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, June 2020.
Yee M.-H.,
Badouraly A.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
Vitek J.,
Precise Dataflow Analysis of Event-Driven Applications,
October 2019.
Hu J. Z. S.,
Lhoták O.,
Undecidability of D<: and Its Decidable Fragments,
August 2019.
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
A Path to DOT: Formalizing Fully Path-Dependent Types,
August 2019.
Rapoport M.,
Kabir I.,
He P.,
Lhoták O.,
A Simple Soundness Proof for Dependent Object Types,
June 2017.
Rapoport M.,
Suter P.,
Wittern E.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Who you gonna call? Analyzing Web Requests in Android Applications,
May 2017.
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Mutable WadlerFest DOT,
November 2016.
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Tip F.,
Precise Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Correlated Method Calls,
Technical Report CS-2015-07,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, June 2015.
Lai X.,
Luo Z.,
Ali K.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Tip F.,
Evaluating Call Graph Construction for JVM-hosted Language Implementations,
Technical Report CS-2015-03,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, February 2015.
Ali K.,
Rapoport M.,
Lhoták O.,
Dolby J.,
Tip F.,
Constructing Call Graphs of Scala Programs,
Technical Report CS-2014-09,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, May 2014.
Lhoták O.,
Chung K.-C. A.,
Points-To Analysis with Efficient Strong Updates,
Technical Report CS-2010-01,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, February 2010.
Naeem N. A.,
Lhoták O.,
An Efficient Storeless Heap Abstraction Using SSA Form,
Technical Report CS-2008-22,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, October 2008.
Naeem N. A.,
Lhoták O.,
Extending Typestate Analysis to Multiple Interacting Objects,
Technical Report CS-2008-04,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, March 2008.
Naeem N. A.,
Lhoták O.,
Extending Typestate Analysis to Multiple Interacting Objects,
Technical Report CS-2007-49,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, December 2007.
The number of this report was changed from CS-2007-18 to CS-2007-49
for administrative reasons with no change to the text of the
Richard A.,
Lhoták O.,
OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java,
Technical Report CS-2007-05,
D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, March 2007.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Context-sensitive points-to analysis: is it worth it?,
Technical Report 2005-2,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, October 2005.
Allan C.,
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Adding trace matching to AspectJ,
Technical Report abc-2005-1,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, March 2005.
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Building the abc AspectJ compiler with Polyglot and Soot,
Technical Report abc-2004-4,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, December 2004.
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
Optimising AspectJ,
Technical Report abc-2004-3,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, November 2004.
Le A.,
Lhoták O.,
Hendren L.,
Using inter-procedural side-effect information in JIT optimizations,
Technical Report 2004-5,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, October 2004.
Avgustinov P.,
Christensen A. S.,
Hendren L.,
Kuzins S.,
Lhoták J.,
Lhoták O.,
de Moor O.,
Sereni D.,
Sittampalam G.,
Tibble J.,
abc: An extensible AspectJ compiler,
Technical Report abc-2004-1,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, September 2004.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Jedd: A BDD-based relational extension of Java,
Technical Report 2003-7,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, November 2003.
Lhoták J., Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Integrating the Soot compiler infrastructure into an IDE,
Technical Report 2003-4,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, October 2003.
Berndl M., Lhoták O., Qian F., Hendren L., Umanee N.,
Points-to Analysis using BDDs,
Technical Report 2002-10,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, November 2002.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Scaling Java Points-To Analysis using Spark,
Technical Report 2002-9,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, October 2002.
Lhoták O., Hendren L.,
Run-time Evaluation of Opportunities for Object Inlining in Java,
Technical Report 2002-2,
Sable Research Group,
McGill University, June 2002.
Lhoták O.,
Run-time Evaluation of Object Inlining Opportunities in Java,
Technical Report SOCS-02.3,
School of Computer Science,
McGill University, May 2002.
Oliveira P.,
Type-Safe Tree Transformations for Precisely-Typed Compilers,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, January 2025.
Zhao Y.,
Adding Reference Immutability to Scala,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, July 2023.
D'Souza M.,
Efficient Implementation of Parametric Polymorphism using Reified Types,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Apr. 2023.
You J.,
Specializing Scala with Truffle,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Nov. 2022.
Thode M.,
A Type System With Containers,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Oct. 2021.
Hackett A. F.,
TreeGen: a monotonically impure functional language,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Aug. 2020.
Rapoport M.,
A Path to DOT: Formalizing Scala with Dependent Object Types,
Ph.D. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Dec. 2019.
Nieto Rodriguez A.,
Scala with Explicit Nulls,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Dec. 2019.
Hu Z.S.,
Decidability and Algorithmic Analysis of Dependent Object Types (DOT),
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Aug. 2019.
Kabir I.,
κDOT: A DOT Calculus with Mutation and Constructors,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Sep. 2018.
Thiessen R.,
Efficient Pointer Analysis of Java in Logic,
Ph.D. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, May 2017.
Yee M.-H.,
Implementing a Functional Language for Flix,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Sep. 2016.
Brotherston D.,
Gradual Pluggable Typing in Java,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Apr. 2016.
Ali K.,
The Separate Compilation Assumption,
Ph.D. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Sep. 2014.
Rapoport M.,
Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Correlated Calls,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Aug. 2014.
Naeem N. A.,
Verification of temporal properties involving multiple interacting objects,
Ph.D. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Oct. 2013.
Beg M. O.,
Combinatorial Problems in Compiler Optimization,
Ph.D. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Apr. 2013.
Chammah T.,
Nested pessimistic transactions for both atomicity and synchronization in concurrent software,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Oct. 2011.
Thiessen R.,
Expression data flow graph: precise flow-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs,
M.Sc. thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, June 2011.
Rodriguez J. D.,
A Concurrent IFDS Dataflow
Analysis Algorithm Using Actors,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, June 2010.
Leung A.,
Automatic Parallelization for Graphics Processing Units in JikesRVM,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, May 2008.
Richard A.,
OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java,
M.Math. thesis, D.R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, October 2007.
Object-Sensitive Points-To Analysis,
Presentation slides, COMP 763 Seminar in Advanced Compilation,
McGill University, September 2002.
Side-Effect Analysis in Java Classfile Attributes,
Course project, 308-621 Optimizing Compilers,
McGill University, April 2002.
Points-to Analysis Demystified,
Presentation slides, 308-601 Readings in Computer Science,
McGill University, April 2002.
Application of Machine Learning to Inlining Decisions,
Course project, 308-761 Machine Learning,
McGill University, December 2001.
Using Annotations to Speed Up Run-time Optimization,
Presentation slides, 308-762 Seminar in Advanced Compilation,
McGill University, November 2001.
Object Inlining,
Presentation slides, 308-762 Seminar in Advanced Compilation,
McGill University, November 2001.
Incremental Pointer and Escape Analysis,
Presentation slides, 308-762 Seminar in Advanced Compilation,
McGill University, October 2001.
Intel's Open Runtime Platform,
Presentation slides, 308-762 Seminar in Advanced Compilation,
McGill University, October 2001.
A General Data Structure for Efficient Minimization of Deterministic Finite Automata,
Course project, CS 662 Formal Languages and Parsing,
University of Waterloo, December 2000.
(with Kane, A.)
jaac: Just Another Ada Compiler,
Course project, CS 444 Compiler Construction,
University of Waterloo, April 2000.