Papers, Presentations, etc.
- Leveraging
reviewer experience in code review comment generation,
Hong Yi Lin, Patanamon Thongtanunam, Christoph Treude,
Michael W. Godfrey, Chunhua Liu, Wachiraphan Charoenwet,
arXiv:2409.10959 [cs.SE].
"Reevaluating the defect proneness of atoms of confusion in
Java systems",
Albert Guoshuai Shi, Farshad Kazemi, Michael W. Godfrey,
and Shane McIntosh,
18th ACM/IEEE Intl. Symp. on Empirical Software Engineering and
Measurement (ESEM-24), 20-24 October, Barcelona, Spain.
[Acceptance rate: 34/139 or 24%]
"Studying the impact of risk assessment analytics on risk
awareness and code review performance",
Xueyao Yu, Filipe R. Cogo, Shane McIntosh, and Michael W.
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) 29(46), February 2024.
"What is an app store? The software engineering perspective",
Wenhan Cosmos Zhu, Sebastian Proksch, Daniel M. German,
Michael W. Godfrey, Li Li, Shane McIntosh,
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) 29(35), January
"Continuous alignment between software architecture design and
development in CI/CD pipelines",
Davide Taibi, Yuanfang Cai, Ingo Weber, Mehdi Mirakhorli, Michael W.
Godfrey, John T. Stough, and Patrizio Pelliccione,
book chapter in Software Architecture Research Roadmaps from
the Community, Patrizio Pelliccione, Rick Kazman, Ingo Weber,
Anna Liu (eds), Springer, October 2023.
"A better way to teach software architecture",
Rick Kazman, Yuanfang Cai, Michael W. Godfrey, Cesare Pautasso, and
Anna Liu,
book chapter in Software Architecture Research Roadmaps from
the Community, Patrizio Pelliccione, Rick Kazman, Ingo Weber,
Anna Liu (eds), Springer, October 2023.
"Bash in the wild: Language usage, code smells, and bugs",
Yiwen Dong, Zheyang Li, Yongqiang Tian, Chengnian Sun, Michael W.
Godfrey, and Meiyappan Nagappan, ACM Trans. on Software
Engineering and Methodology (ACM-TOSEM) 32(1), presented
at the Journal First track at ICSE 2023, Melbourne AU, May 2023.
- "An empirical study of question discussions on
Stack Overflow", Wenhan Zhu, Haoxiang Zhang, Ahmed E. Hassan,
Michael W. Godfrey,
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) 27(148),
presented at the Journal First track at ICSE 2023, Melbourne AU,
May 2023.
"Ddocter: Extracting constraints from documentation to test deep
learning API functions",
Danning Xie, Yitong Li, Mijung Kim, Hung Viet Pham, Lin Tan,
Xiangyu Zhang, Michael W. Godfrey,
Proc. of the 31st Intl. Symp. on Software Testing and
Analysis (ISSTA-22), held online July 2022.
[Acceptance rate: 61/250 or 24%]
- "Mea
culpa: How developers fix their own simple bugs differently from
other developers" (MSR challenge track paper),
Wenhan Cosmos Zhu and Michael W. Godfrey,
Proc. of the 18th ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mining Software Repositories
(MSR-21), 17–19 May 2021.
"Sometimes, cloning is a sound design decision!",
Michael W. Godfrey and Cory J. Kapser, book chapter in Code Clone
Analysis: Researches, Tools, and Practices, edited by Katsuro
Inoue and Chanchal K. Roy, Springer, Singapore, 2021.
- "A study on the effects of
exception usage in open-source C++ systems", Kirsten Bradley and
Michael Godfrey, Proc. of the 19th IEEE Intl. Working
Conf. on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM-19),
Cleveland, OH, 30 September - 1 October, 2019. [Acceptance rate: 29/53
or 40%]
- "Detecting
feature-interaction symptoms in automotive software using lightweight
analysis", Bryan Muscedere, Robert Hackman, Davood Anbarnam,
Joanne Atlee, Ian J. Davis, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of 26th
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER-19),
Hangzhou, China, February 24-27, 2019. [Acceptance rate: 40/148 or 27%
for full papers]
- "A comparison of
bugs across the iOS and Android platforms of two open source cross
platform browser apps", Wajdi M. Aljedaani, Meiyappan Nagappan,
Bram Adams, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 6th IEEE/ACM Intl.
Conf. on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft-19),
Montreal, May 2019.
"Studying pull request merges: A case study of Shopify's Active
Oleksii Kononenko, Tresa Rose, Olga Baysal, Michael Godfrey, Dennis
Theisen, Bart de Water, Proc. of the 40th ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf.
on Software Engineering, track on Software Engineering in
Practice (ICSE-SEIP), Gothenberg, Sweden, 27 May – 3 June 2018.
[Acceptance rate: 31/133 or 24% for full papers in this track]
"On-demand developer documentation",
Martin P. Robillard, Andrian Marcus, Christoph Treude, Gabriele
Bavota, Oscar Chaparro, Neil Ernst, Marco Aurelio Gerosa, Michael
Godfrey, Michele Lanza, Mario Linares-Vasquez, Gail Murphy, Laura
Moreno, David Shepherd, and Edmund Wong,
New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track in Proc.
of the 33rd IEEE Intl. Conference on Software Maintenance and
Evolution (ICSME-17), Shanghai, China, 20–22 September 2017.
- "On the evolution of operating systems and software ecosystems",
invited talk given at Law OS: The Evolution and Complexity of Legal
and Regulatory Systems, the Santa Fe Institue's Annual Board of
Trustees and Applied Complexity Network Symposium, 3–5 November 2016,
Santa Fe, NM.
"Investigating technical and non-technical factors influencing
modern code review",
Olga Baysal, Oleksii Kononenko, Reid Holmes, Michael W. Godfrey,
Empirical Software Engineering 21(6), June 2016.
- This is an extended version of our WCRE 2013 paper.
"Connecting the dots: Anomaly and discontinuity detection in
large-scale systems",
Haroon Malik, Ian Davis, Michael W. Godfrey, Douglas Neuse, and
Serge Manskovskii, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing, 7(4), August 2016, 14pp.
- "'Cloning considered
harmful' considered harmful: A look back", Most
Influential Paper talk (from WCRE 2006), Osaka,
Japan, March 2016.
- "Swimming with the data: Looking for trouble on the open seas", keynote
presentation, 4th Intl. Workshop on Open and
Original Problems in Software Language Engineering (OOPSLE-16),
Osaka, Japan, March 2016.
- "Why provenance matters", Michael W. Godfrey, a chapter in the book
on Data Science for Software Engineering, Tim Menzies,
Laurie Williams, and Thomas Zimmermann (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.
- "An empirical study on the practice of
maintaining object-relational mapping code in Java systems",
Tse-Hsun Chen, Weiyi Shang, Jinqiu Yang, Ahmed E Hassan, Michael W
Godfrey, Mohamed Nasser, Parminder Flora, Proc. of the 2016 IEEE
Intl. Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
(MSR-16), Austin TX, May 2016. [Acceptance rate: 36/103 or 27% for full
"Code review quality: How developers see it",
Oleksii Kononenko, Olga Baysal, and Michael W. Godfrey,
Proc. of the 38th ACM/IEEE Intl. Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE), Austin, TX, May 2016. [Acceptance rate:
101/530 or 19% for full papers]
- "Listening to code clones or, Philately will get you everywhere", keynote
presentation, 9th Intl. Workshop on Software
Clones (IWSC-15), March 6, 2015.
- "Synthesizing knowledge from software development artifacts", Olga
Baysal, Oleksii Kononenko, Reid Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, a
chapter in the book The
Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data, Christian Bird,
Tim Menzies, and Thomas Zimmermann (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2015.
- "Investigating code
review quality: Do people and participation matter?", Oleksii
Kononenko, Olga Baysal, Latifa Guerrouj, Yaxin Cao, and Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of the 31st IEEE Intl. Conference on Software
Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-15), Bremen, Germany, Sept.
29-Oct. 1, 2015. [Acceptance rate: 32/148 or 22% for full papers]
- "Going green: An
exploratory analysis of energy-related questions" (MSR challenge
track short paper), Haroon Malik, Peng Zhao, and Michael W. Godfrey,
Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software
Repositories (MSR-15), Florence, Italy, May 2015. [Acceptance
rate: 14/21 or 67% for papers in this track]
- "Recommending posts concerning API
issues in developer Q&A sites", Wei Wang, Haroon Malik, and
Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Working Conference on
Mining Software Repositories (MSR-15), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
[Acceptance rate: 32/106 or 30% for full papers]
- "Specifying anomalous
data spaces", Ian J. Davis, Michael W. Godfrey, Douglas Neuse,
Serge Mankovskii.
- "Understanding
software artifact provenance", Michael W. Godfrey, invited
paper to a journal special issue on the theme of
"New Ideas and Emerging Results in Understanding Software" honouring the
career of Paul Klint of CWI, Science of Computer Programming,
97(1), January 2015.
- "Detecting discontinuities in large-scale
systems", Haroon Malik, Ian J. Davis, Michael W. Godfrey, Douglas
Neuse, Serge Mankovskii, Proc.of the ACM/IEEE Intl. Conference on
Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC-14), December 8-11, London UK.
[Acceptance rate: 38/198 or 19% for full papers]
- "Compiling clones: What happens?"
(short paper), Oleksii Kononenko, Cheng Zhang, and Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of the 30th IEEE Intl. Conference on Software
Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-14), Early Research Achievements
(ERA) track, Victoria BC, Oct 1-3, 2014. [Acceptance rate: 28/77 or 36%
for papers in this track]
- "Recommending clones for refactoring
using design, context, and history", Wei Wang and Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of the 30th IEEE Intl. Conference on Software
Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-14), Oct 1-3, 2014. [Acceptance
rate: 40/210 or 19% for full papers]
- "No issue left behind: Reducing information
overload in issue tracking", Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes, and Michael
W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT Intl. Symp. on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-14), November 16-22,
Hong Kong. [Acceptance rate: 61/273 or 22% for full papers]
- "On the evolution of Lehman's Laws",
Michael W. Godfrey and Daniel M. German, invited
paper in a special issue of the Journal of
Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP) honouring the career of
Manny Lehman, 26(7), July 2014.
- "Mining modern
repositories with Elasticsearch" (short paper), Oleksii Kononenko,
Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 11th
IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-14),
Hyderabad, India, 31 May - 1 June 2014. [Acceptance rate: 10/27 or 37%
for short papers]
- "DASHboards: Enhancing developer
situational awareness", Oleksii Kononenko, Olga Baysal, Reid
Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, accepted to appear as a tool demo at the
36th Intl. Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-14), Hyderabad,
India, June 2014. [Acceptance rate: 15/41 or 36.5% for papers in this
track] Also, here's the short video
we submitted.
- "Investigating intentional clone
refactoring", Wei Wang and Michael W. Godfrey (position paper), Proc.
of the 8th Intl. Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC-14), Antwerp,
Belgium, 3 February 2014.
- Wei's presentation of this won the
People's Choice Award for Best Position Paper Presentation
at IWSC 2014.
- "Listening to big data: Philately will get you everywhere", a talk
given at the 29th Crest Open Workshop on Redundancy in Software,
University College London (UK), 19 November 2013. MPEG
video (380MB)
- "Sharing is fun!
Thoughts on open access research", Michael W. Godfrey, invited
talk at ICSM 2013 panel session on open access to research data and
- "Automated topic naming:
Supporting cross-project analysis of software maintenance",
Abram Hindle, Neil A. Ernst, Michael W. Godfrey, and John Mylopoulos. Empirical
Software Engineering, 18(6), Decemeber 2013.
- This is an extended version of our MSR-11 paper that was invited
to a special issue of EMSE.
- "Software
Bertillonage: Determining the provenance of software development
artifacts", Julius Davies, Daniel M. German, Michael W.
Godfrey, and Abram Hindle, Empirical Software Engineering, 18(6),
December 2013.
- This is an extended version of our other MSR-11 paper
that was invited to a special issue of EMSE.
- "Copy-paste as a principled engineering tool", a talk given at the SoCoded
developers conference , Hamburg, Germnay, based on various papers,
20 September 2013. MPEG
video (250 MB)
- "Requirements
specifications and recovered architectures as grounded theories",
Daniel M. Berry, Michael W. Godfrey, Ric Holt, Cory J. Kapser, Isabel
Ramos, Grounded Theory Review, 12(1), June 2013.
- "The influence of non-technical factors on
code review", Olga Baysal, Oleksii Kononenko, Reid Holmes, and
Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 20th Intl. Working Conference on
Reverse Engineering (WCRE-13), Koblenz, Germany, October 2013.
[Acceptance rate: 38/97 or 39% for full papers]
- This won Distinguished Paper Award
for WCRE 2013; we have also
been invited to prepare an extended version to be considered to
appear in a special issue Empirical Software Engineering
- "Regression-based utilization prediction
algorithms: An empirical investigation", I. J. Davis, H. Hemmati,
R.C. Holt, M. W. Godfrey, D. Neuse, S. Mankovskii, Proc. of CASCON
2013, Markham, ON, November 2013. [Acceptance rate: 27/75 or 36%
for full papers]
- "Correlating interaction coupling with static coupling -- Two
exploratory studies", Lijie Zou and Michael W. Godfrey, unpublished.
- "Detecting API usage obstacles: A
study of iOS and Android developer questions", (short paper for
MSR challenge), Wei Wang and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 10th
IEEE Intl. Working Conf. on Mining Software Repositories, San
Francisco, May 2013. [Acceptance rate: 12/30 or 40% for papers in this
- "The MSR cookbook: Mining a
decade of research", Hadi Hemmati, Sarah Nadi, Olga Baysal,
Oleksii Kononenko, Wei Wang, Reid Holmes, Michael W. Godfrey, Proc.
of the 10th IEEE Intl. Working Conf. on Mining Software Repositories
(MSR-13), San Francisco, May 2013. [Acceptance rate: 31/81 or 38% for
full papers]
- "Storm prediction in a cloud" (short
paper), Ian Davis, Hadi Hemmati, Richard C. Holt, Michael W. Godfrey,
Douglas Neuse, Serge Mankovskii, Proc. of the Fifth International
Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems
(PESOS-13), San Francisco, May 2013. [Acceptance rate 7/18 or 39% for
short papers]
- "Extracting artifact lifecycle models
from metadata history" (short paper), Olga Baysal, Oleksii
Kononenko, Reid Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of Intl.
Workshop on Data Analysis Patterns in Software Engineering
(DAPSE-13), San Francisco, May 2013.
- "Developer
dashboards: The need for qualitative analytics", Olga Baysal, Reid
Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, IEEE Software, 30(4), special
issue on the theme "Software Analytics: So What?", July/August 2013.
- "Situational awareness:
Personalizing issue tracking systems" (short paper), Olga Baysal,
Reid Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, New Ideas and Emerging Results
(NIER) track in Proc. of the 2013 Intl. Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE-13), 22-24 May 2013, San Francisco.
[Acceptance rate 31/143 or 22% for papers in this track]
- "An
exploratory study of the evolution of communicated information about
the execution of large software systems", Weiyi Shang, Zhen Ming
Jiang, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, Michael W. Godfrey, Mohamed Nasser,
Parminder Flora, accepted to appear in Journal of Software:
Evolution and Process.
- This is an extended version of the WCRE 2011 submission that won
the best paper award.
- "The secret life of patches: A
Firefox case study", Olga Baysal, Oleksii Kononenko, Reid
Holmes, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 19th Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-12), Kingston ON, Canada,
15-18 October 2012. [Acceptance rate: 43/118 or 36% for full papers]
- "What does control flow really look like?
Eyeballing the cyclomatic complexity metric", Jurgen J. Vinju
and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 12th IEEE Working Conference
on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM-12), Riva del
Garda, Trento, Italy, September 2012 [Acceptance rate: 16/40 or 40% for
full papers]
- This paper was selected as one of
the best of SCAM-12, and we were invited to
prepare an extended version for consideration for a special issue of
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
- "Build system issues in
multilanguage software", Andrew Neitsch, Kenny Wong, and
Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 28th IEEE Intl. Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM-12), Riva del Garda, Italy, September
2012 [Acceptance rate: 46/181 or 25% for full papers]
- "An industrial case study of Coman's
automated task detection algorithm: What worked, what didn't, and why",
Lijie Zou and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 28th IEEE Intl.
Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM-12), Riva del Garda,
Italy, September 2012 [Acceptance rate: 46/181 or 25% for full papers]
- "We have all of the clones, now what?
Toward integrating clone analysis into QA" (position paper),
Wei Wang and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 6th Intl. Workshop on
Software Clones (IWSC-12), Zürich, Switzerland, 4 June 2012.
- "The universal
repository of everything" (position paper), Niko Schwarz,
Daniel German, Serge Demeyer, Michael W. Godfrey, and Douglas H. Martin.
- "Clone analysis: Just another quality
validation process" (position paper), Angela Lozano, Minhaz F.
Zibran, Michael W. Godfrey, and Werner Teppe.
- "Revisiting bug triage and resolution
practices" (position paper), Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes, and
Michael W. Godfrey, 2012 ICSE Workshop on User Evaluation for
Software Engineering Researchers (USER-12), Zürich, Switzerland,
5 June 2012.
- "Mining usage data and development
Artifacts", Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc.
of the 2012 IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-12),
Zürich, Switzerland, May 2012. [Acceptance rate: 18/64 or 28.1% for full
- "Introduction to the
special issue on software repository mining in 2009", Michael
W. Godfrey and Jim Whitehead, Empirical Software Engineering,
vol. 17, no. 4-5, August 2012.
- "Analyzing assembler to
eliminate dead functions: An industrial experience", Ian J.
Davis, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt, Serge Mankovskii, and Nick
Minchenko (industrial track paper), Proc. of the 16th European
Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering (CSMR),
Szeged, Hungary, 27-30 March 2012.
- "A market-based bug allocation mechanism
using predictive bug lifetime", Hadi Hosseini, Raymond Nguyen,
and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the 16th European Conference on
Software Maintenance and Re-engineering (CSMR), Szeged, Hungary,
27-30 March 2012. [Acceptance rate: 30/108 or 27.8% for full papers]
- "Squinting at the data: Investigating software entity provenance using
KISS techniques", a talk given at the 16th CREST Open Workshop on
Software Provenance and Product Lines at University College London in
November 2011. Slides
and MPEG video (220 MB), but no
- A version of this talk was also given at Eindhoven University and
the 10th BENEVOL workshop around the same time, at TU-München in
March 2012, at the Netherlands Forensics Instutute in April 2012.
- "An exploratory study of the evolution of
communicated information about the execution of large software
systems", Weiyi (Ian) Shang, Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang, Bram
Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, Michael W. Godfrey, Mohamed Nasser, Parminder
Flor, Proc. of the 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
(WCRE-11), Limerick, Ireland, 17-20 October 2011. [Acceptance rate:
27/104 or 25.9% for full papers]
- This won the Best Paper Award
for WCRE 2011
- An extended version been accepted to appear in a special issue of
the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and
- "A study of cloning in the Linux SCSI
drivers", Wei Wang and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the
11th Intl. IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and
Manipulation (SCAM-11), Williamsburg VA, 25-26 September 2011.
[Acceptance rate: 16/52 or 30.7% for full papers]
- "A tale of two browsers" (short
paper for MSR challenge), Olga Baysal, Ian J. Davis, and Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of the 2011 IEEE Working Conference on Mining
Software Repositories (MSR-11), Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011.
- "Determining the provenance of software
artifacts" (position paper), Michael W. Godfrey, Julius Davies,
Daniel M. German, and Abram J. Hindle, Proc. of the Fifth Intl.
Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC-11), Honolulu, Hawaii, May
- "Software Bertillonage:
Finding the provenance of an entity", Julius Davies, Daniel M.
German, Michael W. Godfrey, and Abram J. Hindle, Proc. of the 2011
IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-11),
Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011. [Acceptance rate: 20/61 or 32.8% for full
- This paper was selected as one of
the best of MSR-11, and an extended
version was accepted to appear in a special issue of Empirical
Software Engineering.
- Also, there's an MPEG
video (72 MB) of a talk I gave on this topic at the COW
workshop at University College London on 23 November 2010; the
video quality isn't great but the audio is OK.
- "Automated topic naming to
support cross-project analysis of software maintenance activities",
Abram Hindle, Neil A. Ernst, Michael W. Godfrey, and John Mylopoulos, Proc.
of the 2011 IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
(MSR-11), Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011. [Acceptance rate: 20/61 or 32.8%
for full papers]
- This paper was also selected as one
of the best of MSR-11, and an extended
version was accepted to appear in a special issue of Empirical
Software Engineering.
- "Multifractal aspects of software
development" (short paper), Abram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey and
Richard C. Holt. Special short paper track on New Ideas and
Emerging Results (NIER) in Proc. of 2011 Intl. Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE-11), Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011.
[Acceptance rate: 46/198 or 23% for papers in this track]
- "From whence it came: Detecting source
code clones by analyzing assembler" (short paper), Ian J. Davis
and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 17th Intl. Working Conference
on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-10), Beverly, MA, 13–16 October
2010. [Acceptance rate 22+10/68 or 47% for short papers]
- "Software process recovery using recovered
unified process views", Abram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey and
Richard C. Holt. Proc. of the 2010 IEEE Intl. Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM-10), Timisoara, Romania, 12–18
September 2010. [Acceptance rate 36/133 or 27% for full papers]
- "Copy-paste as a principled engineering tool" (no preprint available),
Michael W. Godfrey and Cory J. Kapser. This is a chapter in the book Making
Software: What Really Works and Why We Believe It, by Greg
Wilson and Andy Oram (eds), O'Reilly and Associates, October 2010.
- "Clone detection by exploiting assembler"
(short paper), Ian J. Davis and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the
Fourth Intl. Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC-10), Cape Town,
South Africa, May 2010.
- "Studying
professional software designers and their use of abstraction" (discussion
paper), Joanne M. Atlee and Michael W. Godfrey. Presented at the
NSF workshop on Studying Professional Software Design, 8-10
February 2010, UC-Irvine.
- Editorial
for special issue of JASE on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation,
Michael W. Godfrey and Bogdan Korel. Journal of Automated Software
Engineering, 16(2), June 2009.
- "Reading beside the lines: Using
indentation to rank revisions by complexity", Abram Hindle,
Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt. Science of Computer
Programming, 74(7), May 2009.
- This is an extended version of our ICPC-08 paper that was invited
to a special issue of SCP.
- "What's hot and what's not: Windowing
developer topic analysis", Abram J. Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey,
Richard C. Holt. Proc. of 2009 IEEE Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM-09), Edmonton, Alberta, 20–26 September 2009.
[Acceptance rate 35/162 or 22% for full papers]
- "Understanding source package
organization using the hybrid model" (short paper), Xinyi Dong and
Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of 2009 IEEE Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM-09), Edmonton, Alberta, 20–26 September 2009.
[Acceptance rate (35+29)/162 or 39% for short papers]
- "Future of mining
software archives: A roundtable" (invited roundtable
contribution), Michael W. Godfrey, IEEE Software, 61(1),
January/February 2009.
- "Automatic classification of large
changes into maintenance categories", Abram J. Hindle, Daniel M.
German, Michael W. Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of 2009 IEEE
Intl. Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC-09), 17-19 May
2009, Vancouver. [Acceptance rate 20/74 or 27% for full papers]
- "A bug you like: A framework for
automated assignment of bugs" (poster paper), Olga Baysal, Michael
W. Godfrey, and Robin Cohen. Proc. of 2009 IEEE Intl. Conference on
Program Comprehension (ICPC-09), 17-19 May 2009, Vancouver.
- "Mining recurrent activities:
Fourier analysis of change events" (short paper), Abram J. Hindle,
Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt. Special short paper track on New
Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) in Proc. of the 2009 Intl.
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-09), 20-22 May 2009,
Vancouver. [Acceptance rate 21/118 or 15% for papers in this track]
- "A possible metric for semantic similarity of
object-oriented analysis models and its use to estimate the
predictability of OOA methods", Davor Svetinovic, Daniel M. Berry,
Michael W. Godfrey, Nancy A. Day.
- "The past, present, and future of
software evolution", Michael W. Godfrey and Daniel M. German. Invited
paper in Proc. of Frontiers of Software
Maintenace track at the 2008 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software
Maintenance (ICSM-08), October 2008, Beijing, China.
- "Understanding interaction differences
between newcomer and expert programmers" (short paper), Lijie Zou
and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2008 Intl. Workshop on
Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE 2008),
November 2008, Atlanta.
- "Reverse engineering CAPTCHAs",
Abram J. Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of
the 2008 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-08),
15–18 October 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. [Acceptance rate 20/70 or 29% for
full papers]
- 'Cloning considered harmful'
considered harmful: Patterns of cloning in software", Cory J.
Kapser and Michael W. Godfrey. Empirical Software Engineering
(Springer), 13(6), December 2008.
- A special issue of EMSE honouring the best papers of WCRE-06; this
is an extended version of our WCRE-06 Best Paper.
- "From indentation shapes to code structures",
Abram J. Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of
the 8th IEEE Intl. Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and
Manipulation (SCAM 2008), 28–29 September 2008, Beijing, China.
[Acceptance rate: 23/61 or 38% for full papers]
- "Identifying architectural change
patterns in object-oriented systems", Xinyi Dong and Michael W.
Godfrey. Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Intl. Conference on Program
Comprehension (ICPC-08), June 2008, Amsterdam. [Acceptance rate:
20/57 or 35% for full papers]
- "Reading beside the lines: Indentation
as a proxy for complexity metrics", Abram J. Hindle, Michael W.
Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Intl.
Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC-08), June 2008,
Amsterdam. [Acceptance rate: 20/57 or 35% for full papers]
- This paper was selected as one of
the best at ICPC-08, and an extended version
appeared in a special issue of Science of Computer Programming
- "Fast, cheap, and under control:
Evaluating revision data reliably", a presentation given at Dagstuhl
Seminar 07491 on Mining Programs and Processes Abram J. Hindle,
describing work he has done under the supervision of Ric Holt and
myself, December 2007.
- "All
we like sheep: Cloning as a software engineering tool", an invited
talk given at the ICSM-07 working session on Myths
in Software Engineering, October 2007. PDF
- "Examining the effects of global data usage
on software maintainability", Jason Selby, Fraser Ruffell, Mark
Giesbrecht, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2007 Working
Conference in Reverse Engineering (WCRE-07), 29-31 October 2007,
Vancouver, BC. [Acceptance rate: 27/87 or 31% for full papers]
- "Don't crash twice, it ain't nice",
a less-than-serious reworking of an old Dylan tune (the singer, not the
programming language), originally presented in three part disharmony by
Ric Holt, Hausi Müller, and myself at the April 2007 CSER meeting.
- "System-level usage dependency
analysis of object-oriented systems", Xinyi Dong and Michael W.
Godfrey. Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Intl. Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM-07), 2-5 October 2007, Paris, France.
[Acceptance rate: 41/214 or 21% for full papers]
- "Release pattern discovery: A case
study of database systems", Abram J. Hindle, Michael W.
Godfrey, and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Intl.
Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM-07), 2-5 October 2007,
Paris, France. [Acceptance rate: 41/214 or 21% for full papers]
- "Subjectivity in clone judgment: Can we
ever agree?", Cory J. Kapser, Paul Anderson, Michael W.
Godfrey, Rainer Koschke, Matthias Rieger, Filip van Rysselberghe, and
Peter Weißgerber, Proc. of Dagstuhl Seminar #06301, July 2007.
- "YARN: Animating software evolution",
Abram J. Hindle, Zhen Ming Jiang, Walid Koleilat, Michael W. Godfrey,
and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Intl. Workshop on
Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VISSOFT-07),
June 25-26, Banff, Alberta. [Acceptance rate: 15/34 or 44% for full
papers] Slides
- "A hybrid program model for
object-oriented reverse engineering", Xinyi Dong and Michael W.
Godfrey. Proc. of the 2007 Intl. Conference on Program
Comprehension (ICPC-07), 26-29 June 2007, Banff, Alberta.
[Acceptance rate: 22/66 or 33% for full papers]
- "Detecting interaction coupling from
task interaction histories", Lijie Zou, Michael W. Godfrey, and
Ahmed E. Hassan. Proc. of the 2007 Intl. Conference on Program
Comprehension (ICPC-07), 26-29 June 2007, Banff, Alberta.
[Acceptance rate: 22/66 or 33% for full papers] Slides.
- "Release pattern discovery via
partitioning: Methodology and case study", Abram J. Hindle,
Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt. Proc. of 2007 Intl. Workshop
on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-07), May 19-20, 2007,
Minneapolis. [Acceptance rate: 15/39 for full papers, or 38%] Slides.
- "Adaptation, selection, and intelligent
design: The forces behind software evolution", invited talk given
at the 2007 Canadian University Software Engineering Conference
(CUSEC-07), Montreal, 20 January 2007.
- "Unified use case statecharts: Case
studies", Davor Svetinovic, Daniel M. Berry, Nancy A. Day, and
Michael W. Godfrey. Requirements Engineering Journal
(Springer), Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2007.
- "'Cloning considered
harmful' considered harmful", Cory J. Kapser and Michael W.
Godfrey. Proc. of the 2006 Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering (WCRE-06), 23-28 October, Benevento, Italy.
[Acceptance rate: 24/84 or 29%]
- This won the Best Paper Award
for WCRE 2006, and was
extended into a journal paper, accepted in 2008 to Empirical
Software Engineering (see above).
- In March 2016, this paper won the Most
Influential Paper award at SANER (a merging of
the WCRE and CSMR conferences).
- "An industrial case study of
program artifacts viewed during maintenance tasks", Lijie Zou
and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2006 Working Conference on
Reverse Engineering (WCRE-06), 23-28 October, Benevento, Italy.
[Acceptance rate: 24/84 or 29%]
- "EARS: A CSER proposal", yet
another not-entirely-serious presentation from the 2006 Spring CSER
meeting at UVic.
- "Clone detection: How accurate is
your data set?" (short paper), Cory J. Kapser and Michael W.
Godfrey. Otherwise unpublished, but it's been referenced by others so
here it is.
- "Increasing quality of
conceptual models: Is object-oriented analysis that simple?",
Davor Svetinovic Daniel M. Berry, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of
the ICSE 2006 Workshop on The Role of Abstraction in Software
Engineering, Shanghai, China, 21 May 2006.
- "Supporting the analysis of
clones in software systems: A case study" Cory J. Kapser and
Michael W. Godfrey. Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution,
18(2), March/April 2006.
- This was a special issue of JSME featuring extended version of
invited papers from ICSM-05.
- "Cloning by accident: An empirical study
of source code cloning across software systems", Raihan
Al-Ekram, Cory J. Kapser, Richard C. Holt, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc.
of the 2005 Intl. Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
(ISESE-05), Noosa Heads, Australia, 17-18 November 2005. [Acceptance
rate: 40%]
- "A reference
architecture for web browsers", (short paper), Alan Grosskurth
and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2005 Intl. Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM-05), Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 Sept
2005. [Acceptance rate: (55+25) / 180 or 44% for short papers.]
- "Improved tool support for the
investigation of duplication in software", Cory J. Kapser and
Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2005 Intl. Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM-05), Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 Sept 2005.
[Acceptance rate: 55 / 180 or 30% for full papers]
- This paper was selected one of the
best papers at ICSM-05, and was invited to be
extended for consideration in a special issue of the Journal of
Software Maintenance and Evolution.
- "Facilitating software evolution
research with kenyon", Jennifer Bevan, E. James Whitehead, Jr.,
Sunghun Kim, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2005 Joint
European Software Engineering Conference / ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE-05), Lisbon,
Portugal, 5-9 Sept 2005. [Acceptance rate: 32 / 201 or 16%]
- "Concept identification in object-oriented
domain analysis: Why some students just don't get it", Davor
Svetinovic, Daniel M. Berry, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of 2005
Intl. Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE-05), Paris,
France, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2005. [Acceptance rate: 35 / 175 or 20%] Slides
from the presentation: PDF
- This paper was selected as one of
the best papers at RE-05 and was invited to be
extended for a journal special issue.
- "Using origin analysis to detect
merging and splitting of source code entities", Michael W.
Godfrey and Lijie Zou. IEEE Trans, on Software Engineering,
31(2), Feb 2005.
- An extended version of our WCRE-03 paper; this was a special issue
of IEEE-TSE honouring the 10th anniversary of the WCRE conference.
- "Lossy program analysis, or lies my
extractor told me", invited presentation at Dagstuhl
Seminar No 05161 Transformation Techniques in Software
Engineering. PPT version
- "Aiding comprehension of cloning through
categorization", Cory J. Kapser and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc.
of 2004 Intl. Workshop on Software Evolution (IWPSE-04), Kyoto,
Japan, 6-7 September 2004. [Acceptance rate: 8 / 27 or 30%]
- "Four interesting ways in which history can
teach us about software", Michael W. Godfrey, Xinyi Dong, Cory
J. Kapser, and Lijie Zou. Position paper accepted to and presented at
2004 Intl. Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-04),
Edinburgh, Scotland on 25 May 2004. Slides from the presentation: PDF,
- "A taxonomy of clones in
source code: The re-Engineers most wanted list" (position paper),
Cory J. Kapser and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of the 2nd Intl.
Workshop on Detection of Software Clones (IWDSC-03), Victoria BC,
November 2003.
- "A lightweight process for
architecture recovery: From code to domain requirements and back
again", Davor Svetinovic and Michael W. Godfrey.
- "Detecting merging and splitting using
origin analysis", Lijie Zou and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc.
of 2003 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-03),
Victoria, BC, November 2003. [Acceptance rate: 33 / 72 or 46%] Slides
from the presentation: PDF, PPT.
- This paper was selected as one of
the best papers from WCRE-03, and invited to be
extended for consideration for the IEEE-TSE special issue honouring
the 10th anniversary of the WCRE conference.
- "Toward a taxonomy for source code
cloning: A case study", Cory J. Kapser and Michael W. Godfrey.
Proc. of the 2003 Intl. Workshop on Evolution of Large-scale
Industrial Software Applications (ELISA), Amsterdam, 23 September
2003. This is an extended version; the original can be found in the
full ELISA proceedings. Slides from the presentation: PDF,
- "Architectural (wallpaper)
patterns", another not-entirely-serious presentation given at Second
ASERC Workshop on Software Architecture, Banff, Alberta, February
- There is also a low-res
Quicktime movie of the presentation. See and hear the talk
that made Rick Kazman of the SEI exclaim, "Mike, don't give up your
day job."
- "The build / comprehend pipelines"
(position paper), Richard C. Holt, Michael W. Godfrey, and Andrew J.
Malton, Second ASERC Workshop on Software Architecture, Banff,
Alberta, February 2003.
- "Modelling and
extracting the build-time architectural view", Qiang Tu,
Michael W. Godfrey, and Xinyi Dong; this is an extended version of the ICSM-01
paper below, submitted for journal consideration.
- "Enhancing domain-specific software
architecture recovery", Igor Ivkovic and Michael W. Godfrey,
Proc. of 2003 Intl. Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC-03),
Portland, Oregon, May 2003. [Acceptance rate: 27 / 44 or 61%]
- "Adoption Centric Networking Environments",
a short, not-entirely-serious research proposal, given at the October
2002 CSER meeting.
- "Architectural reconstruction in the
dark", (position paper), Andrew Trevors and Michael W. Godfrey.
Proc. of the WCRE-02 Workshop on Software Architecture
Reconstruction, Richmond VA, November 1, 2002.
- "Semantic grep: Regular expressions +
relational abstraction", R. Ian Bull, Andrew Trevors, Andrew J.
Malton, and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of 2002 Working Conference on
Reverse Engineering (WCRE-02), Richmond VA, October 2002.
[Acceptance rate: 33 / 72 or 46%]
- "An integrated approach for
studying software architectural evolution", Qiang Tu and
Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of 2002 Intl. Workshop on Program
Comprehension (IWPC-02), Paris, June 2002. Slides from the
presentation: PDF, PPT.
[Acceptance rate: 28 / 44 or 64%]
- "Architecture recovery of
dynamically linked applications: A case study", Igor Ivkovic
and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of 2002 Intl. Workshop on Program
Comprehension (IWPC-02), Paris, June 2002. [Acceptance rate: 28 /
44 or 64%]
- "Tracking structural evolution using
origin analysis" (position paper), Michael W. Godfrey and Qiang
Tu, Proc. of 2002 Intl. Workshop on Principles of Software
Evolution (IWPSE-02), Orlando, Florida, May 2002.
- Results of the Acacia
entry [PPT version]
into the "C++
Parser Olympics" that was organized and presented at CASCON 2001
by Susan Sim in Toronto in November 2001. I "drove" the Acacia
extractor (aided by Andrew Trevors), which is a product of AT+T
Research. There are two plain text files of interest: Introduction
to the Acacia System and
Results of the running Acacia on the Parser/Analyser Suite .
- Susan Sim and Holger Kienle ran a second version of this for IWPC
2002; here is the presentation for the Acacia entry: PDF
(4up) and PPT.
- "Multi-tired architectures", a
not-entirely-serious presentation co-devised by Ric Holt, given at the
Workshop on Software Architecture
in Edmonton, August 24-25, 2001. Also: PDF
(4-up) and PPT.
- "How does your software grow?", Michael W. Godfrey. Invited
position paper and presentation given at the 2001
Workshop on Software Architecture
in Edmonton, August 24-25, 2001.
- "A lightweight architecture recovery
process" (position paper), Davor Svetinovic and Michael W.
Godfrey, accepted to SWARM (SoftWare Architecture Recovery and
Modelling), a discussion session held in conjunction with WCRE-01,
Stuttgart, October 2001.
- "Attribute-based evolution patterns for
product lines" (position paper), Davor Svetinovic and Michael
W. Godfrey, Proc. of WICSA-01 Workshop on Architecture
Reconstruction and Product Lines, Amsterdam, August 2001.
- "Exploring structural change
and architectural evolution", a short Powerpoint presentation to
the May 2001 meeting of CSER on a tool
we (Qiang Tu, really) are working on.
- "Growth, evolution, and structural change
in open source software", Michael W. Godfrey and Qiang Tu.
Proc. of 2001 Intl. Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution
(IWPSE-01), Vienna, September 2001.
- "Software engineering research in the
bazaar" (position paper), Ahmed E. Hassan, Michael W. Godfrey,
and Richard C. Holt. Proc. of 1st ICSE Workshop on Open Source
Software Engineering, Toronto, May 2001.
- "Representing build-time software
architecture views with UML" (position paper), Qiang Tu and
Michael W. Godfrey. Proc. of 2001 ICSE Workshop on Describing
Software Architecture with UML, Toronto, May 2001.
- "The build-time software
architecture view", Qiang Tu and Michael W. Godfrey. Proc.
of 2001 Intl. Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM-01),
Florence, Italy, November 2001. Slides from the presentation: PPT,
PDF (6up). [Acceptance rate: 68 /
161 or 42%.] See also the extended version
submitted for journal consideration above.
- "Defining, transforming, and exchanging
high-level schemas", Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of 2000
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-00), Brisbane,
Australia, November 2000. Slides from the talk in PPT
or PDF formats.
- "Evolution, growth, and
cloning in Linux: A case study", Michael W. Godfrey, Davor
Svetinovic, and Qiang Tu, a presentation at the 2000 CASCON workshop on
"Detecting duplicated and near duplicated structures in large
software systems: methods and applications", on November 16,
2000, chaired by Ettore Merlo. PPT
version. To date, this is the only presentation of the work we
have done in examining cloning in the SCSI driver subsystem of Linux.
- "Evolution in open source software: A case
study", Michael W. Godfrey and Qiang Tu, Proc. of the 2000
Intl. Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM-00), San Jose,
California, October 2000. Slides from the presentation in PPT
and PDF (6up).
- "High-level schemas: A journey
through the bush", a presentation given at ICSE 2000 Workshop
on Standard Exchange Format (WoSEF-00). PPT
version also available.
- "Practical data exchange for reverse
engineering frameworks: Some requirements, some experience, some
headaches", Michael W. Godfrey, position paper accepted to ICSE
2000 Workshop on Standard Exchange Format (WoSEF-00). A version
of appeared in ACM Software Engineering Notes, vol. 26, no. 1,
January 2001. I gave a related talk at the Dagstuhl
seminar on Interoperability
of Reengineering Tools (Seminar No. 01041, Report No. 296), 21-26
January 2001, and yet another version at the November 1999 CSER
meeting: PDF (6 up) and PPT.
- "Toward an understanding of software
evolution", a seminar given at the University of Waterloo July 4,
2000 incorporating the results from some of the papers and talks below,
especially the case study on the growth of the Linux kernel detailed in
"Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study". The PPT
version is also available.
- "Secrets from the monster: Extracting
Mozilla's software architecture", Michael W. Godfrey and Eric
H. S. Lee, Proc. of the Second Intl. Symposium on Constructing
Software Engineering Tools (CoSET-00), Limerick, Ireland, June
2000. Slides from the presentation: PDF
(6up) and PPT .
- "Architecture repair of open source
software", John B. Tran, Michael W. Godfrey, Eric H. S. Lee,
and Richard C. Holt, Proc. of 2000 Intl. Workshop on Program
Comprehension (IWPC-00), Limerick, Ireland, June 2000.
1999 and earlier
- "Extracting source models from Java
programs: Parse, disassemble, or profile?", Ivan Bowman,
Michael W. Godfrey, and Ric Holt. Otherwise unpublished, but it's been
cited a few times by people I don't know, so here it is.
- "Visualizing architectural evolution",
James P. D. Keast, Mark G. Adams, and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc.
of ICSE-99 Workshop on Software Change and Evolution (SCE-99),
Los Angeles, May 1999.
- "Connecting
architecture reconstruction frameworks" (preprint), Ivan
Bowman, Michael W. Godfrey, and Ric Holt, Proc. of the First Intl.
Symposium on Constructing Software Engineering Tools (CoSET-99),
Los Angeles, May 1999. Also published in Journal of Information and
Software Technology, 42(2), pp. 93-104, February 2000. Slides
from the presentation: PDF (6up)
and PPT .
- "JDuck: Building a software engineering
tool in Java as a CS2 project" (preprint), Michael W. Godfrey
and Dan Grossman, Proc. of SIGCSE -99, March 1999.
- "Secure and portable database
extensibility", Michael W. Godfrey, Tobias Mayr, Praveen
Seshadri, and Thorsten von Eicken, Proc. of SIGMOD-98, Seattle
WA, June 1998. [Acceptance rate: 42 / 246 or 17%]
- "Teaching software engineering to
a mixed audience" (preprint), Michael W. Godfrey, Journal
of Information and Software Technology, 40(4), pp. 229-232, July
- "Prototyping a visual formalism for
system modelling", Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt and
Spiros Mancoridis, Proc. of the ICSE-16 Workshop on Software
Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction , Sorrento, Italy,
May 1994, published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 896,
Springer Verlag, February 1995.
- "Tool support for software
engineering education", Spiros Mancoridis, Richard C. Holt and
Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of the ICSE-16 Workshop on Software
Engineering Education, Sorrento, Italy, published as Imperial
College Dept. of Computing Technical Report 94/6, June 1994.
- "A program understanding environment based
on the Star approach to tool integration", Spiros
Mancoridis, Richard C. Holt and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of 22nd
Annual ACM Computer Science Conference (CSC-94), Phoenix, USA,
March 8-10, 1994.
- "Visual formalisms for configuration
management", Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of CASCON-93,
October 1993.
- "Formal specification in metamorphic
programming", David A. Penny, Richard C. Holt and Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of the 4th Intl. Symposium of VDM Europe , Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 551, October 1991.
- "Spectur -- A specification language
for the programmer", Michael W. Godfrey and Richard C. Holt,
Technical Report CSRI-241, University of Toronto, June 1990.
Michael W. Godfrey PhD, Professor
School of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Office: DC2340
migod at uwaterloo ca