Trevor at Eight/Nine/Ten Months

These pictures were taken between Christmas 1995 and March 1996.

A temporary sea of tranquility.

A typical before and after scene in the kitchen (taken on different days, but you get the idea...).

Grandad tells Trevor all about the history of the Canadian aircraft industry. Trevor feigns interest. Good move, Trev.

Another shot from Xmas day. Is this kid adorable or what? (Hint: the answer is "Yes".)

"I thought your son had red hair."

Dad's shoe is much more tasty than you might think!

Auntie Dimitra gives Trevoraki a big hug ...

... and Uncle Spiro holds the trophy aloft.

"If you let me out, I promise not to fling dirty diapers around the room again." (Yes, he did it...)

"I think Mum would rather have a shower than a bath..."

"I'm not sleepy.
I'm <yawn> not sleepy.
I'm <zzzzzz>."

Trevor was very wiggly while getting a diaper change, so Mum put him down for a moment. Big mistake. Mr. Water-Cannon redecorates the bedroom.

Like to see more pictures?

Michael W. Godfrey PhD
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Tel. (519) 888-4567 X34437, FAX (519) 885-1208
Office: DC2340

Last modification: Thursday June 18, 2009 at 09:48:12 (EDT)