More of Trevor at Three Months

During the time these pictures were taken Trevor turned three months old, and got his first tooth.

Trevor's cousin Gwen gives him a hug during
a boat trip out to the Pacific Rim.

Mum and baby in their denims.

Yup, there's a tooth there. And at three months, this was not expected!

From left to right: Gwen (6), Tessa (2.5), Trevor (3 mo.), Evan (10), Mum, Mum's big brother Paul (father to Gwen, Tessa, Evan and Clara), and Clara (2 mo.).

Mum's mum holds her two newest grandchildren. Clara seems happy, but Trevor isn't so sure.

Lobsters and lion.

A big smile one morning, just after we got back home in Toronto.

Like to see more pictures?

Michael W. Godfrey PhD
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Office: DC2340

Last modification: Thursday June 18, 2009 at 09:48:05 (EDT)