Trevor at Birth

was born at 3:20 pm EDT May 2, 1995 at Doctor's Hospital, Toronto.
He weighed 4.01 kg (8lb 13oz) and was 56cm (22") long.

Trevor Cameron Buttemer Godfrey

The birth announcement from the Toronto Star (apparently, Anita's parents are "formally" of West Hill -- not to be outdone, the Globe and Mail managed three transcription errors in their announcement).

Here he is minutes after birth. You can see that the scale registers 4.01 kg.

Mum (Anita Buttemer) and baby the next day.

Trevor does not liked to be wrapped tightly, as evidenced here.

Meconium -- that icky black stuff that fills their diapers the first couple of days. This was dad's first diaper change, so Trevor celebrated the occasion with a baby "shower" of his own devising.

Dad and baby on day two.

Mum and baby day three, just having arrived home.

Dad and baby day three. Nap time for one and all.

Like to see more pictures?

Michael W. Godfrey PhD
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Office: DC2340

Last modification: Thursday June 18, 2009 at 09:47:59 (EDT)