Ian and Trevor in Summer 1999

Grandpa (dad's dad) and Ian compare fashion notes.

Ian shares a cuddle with Nana (dad's mum).

Ian lends a hand at Trevor's fourth birthday party.

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A peaceful moment on Vancouver Island.

Anita [pink top], her brother Paul [left of Anita], their spouses, children, and parents.

Ian and mum.

Ian blesses the photographer.

Trevor and Ian hang out on the grass.

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Sorry, this is the most recent set at the moment.

Michael W. Godfrey PhD
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Office: DC2340
URL: http://www.uwaterloo.ca/~migod

Last modification: Thursday June 18, 2009 at 09:47:46 (EDT)