Prof Ric Holt, Department of Computer Science,
You are to present your implemented system. This will include demo'ing the key features of your system. The audience should learn what you have done and not done, and what is your overall architectural structure. The target audience is managers and programmers.
Your presentation should be clear, short and informative.
Slides. You should use slides (such as Power Point Slides) and as well you should show your system in operation. You are to turn in your slides (hardcopy and softcopy). There is no separate report for this assignment.
Presentation length. The amount of time you have to present is expected to be 20 minutes, but this may be somewhat changed, for example to 15 or to 25 minutes. Take care that your presentation will fit in the allowed time, as you should expect to be cut off if you attempt to run over the allocated time.
Make sure you get across your main points and you don't get lost in details.
Make sure that your architecture is clear from you slides.
On a slide, state who in the team was responsible for what part of your project.
Do not try to show too many slides. A rule of thumb is that each slide takes 1 to 3 minutes.
Ideally, half of your time will be for slides and half for your demo.
You are responsible for making sure that all audio/visual equipment is working for your presentation.
All members of the team should actively participate in the presentation.
Your slides should include the following:
Title slide: Title of about 3 to 6 words, including names of team.
Overview slide: Give clear overview of entire presentation.
Purpose of project: Make clear the purpose and proposed use of your software.
Body of presentation: Give slides for each major point you want to make.
Conclusion slide: List essential points and what you accomplished in the project.
Revised 30 June 2009 RCH