Winter 2011 Assignment 1:
Submit. Instructions to submit assignments
(using Marmoset):
Bash. All shell scripts you write should
work on the bash shell.
Linux. Do assignments on UW
CS Linux machines. (Do not use
ASCII. Turn in the
written (non program) part of this assignment as an ASCII file.
ASCII editor. You will need to use
an ASCII editor such as vi or emacs to do this
Asgn 1a:
Debugging shell scripts. Shell
scripts tend to be short and yet difficult to write. It is recommended that you initially include
lots of debugging statements (use “echo” to print out things) in your
scripts. In the final version, you can comment out
these debugging statements using “#”.
Here’s is a simple example script called tryeval (try out “eval”). This
contains several illustrative debugging statements.
echo BEGIN tryeval # Check that
script gets started
echo \$1 = \"$1\" # if $1 is whoami, this prints out:
# $1 is "whoami"
eval $1
echo END tryeval # Check that
script finishes
Create an
ASCII file called tryeval that contains the above script. Make it executable by typing:
chmod u+x tryeval
executing this script using these two commands. Don’t forget the “./”
./tryeval whoami
./tryeval date
Asgn 1b:
Set up a directory structure. In your Linux file directory, create
the following directory structure (the leaves are ASCII files) in your home directory. Use the commands mkdir
and cd to do this.
You are to
create the contents of the above files as follows:
hello: echo HELLO
bye: echo BYE
dummy.h: DUMMY
msgHi.h: const
string msg = "HI";
msgHo.h: const
string msg = "HO";
Note: You
can create simple files this way:
echo Stuff to go in file > fileName
Make the
files called hello and bye executable and try executing them, using commands
such as
chmod u+x hello
The file
mainHi.cpp should contain:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "msgHi.h"
int main ()
cout << msg << "\n";
The file
mainHo.C should be like the file mainHi.cpp except in the “#include” line,
“msgHi.h” should be changed to “msgHo.h”.
In the directory cppsource, compile mainHi.cpp using the command
g++ mainHi.cpp
and then
run the compiled program by giving the command
In a
similar way, compile and run mainHo.C
The file
funny.cpp should contain this script:
// This C++ program is incomplete on purpose
/* Here is an example of nasty surprise in C/C++ */
if (i = 1) // Should
be: if (i == 1)
// etc
etc etc This is
the last line of the script
You are to
“zip” your directory structure using this command:
zip -r cs246.zip cs246
This places an encoded version of your directory structure in the file called cs246.zip. Note that cs246 is
the top directory in your directory
Asgn 1c: Create an alias and a bin command.
Create an alias for cd called chdir. Trying using your
chdir command to navigate around your example directory structure.
In your bin
directory (within your home directory), create a file called p (abbreviation
for print). Create p such that it is a
command that has the same effect as the "more" command (implement p
by calling "more"). Remember
to start your script with
remember to make it executable. Try
using your “p” command to view files in your directory structure. Inspect the path used by the shell for
finding commands such as p by typing
echo $PATH
Check to
see that your bin directory is in the search path.
For both
chdir and p, start up a sub-shell (by typing bash), and see if your commands (p
and chdir) still work.
Logoff and
login again and see if your chdir and p commands still works.
Try giving
the following commands to determine the type or location of chdir, p and cd.
type chdir
type p
type cd
Asgn 1d: Search for bad equal sign. A characteristic error when using C/C++ is to
type = (equal) instead of two equal signs ==, for example
if (i = 10) // if (i == 10) was intended
Write a
shell script (and put it in your bin directory) called badeq (bad equal) which
uses recursive grep to list lines containing the following pattern on a
line: Any number of blanks and tabs,
then “if” then zero or more blanks, then “(“, then any characters, then “ = “
(blank, equal, blank), which can be followed by arbitrary characters on the
line. You can read the description of
grep by typing
man grep
# Manual for grep
Test badeq
by giving this command in your home directory.
Asgn 1e: Listing C++ files. By convention C++ source files end with one of the suffixes .h, .C or
.cpp. Write a shell script called lscpp
(list C++ files) which uses “ls” to list files in the current directory that
end in one of these three suffixes. Then
write a script called lscpp2 that is like lscpp but it takes an optional
initial argument of –h or –l. If the –h
occurs, then lscpp2 prints out a “usage” message,
saying what lscpp2 does, and halts. If
the –l occurs, the result is like lscpp, but the long (-l) form of ls is
used. If neither –h nor –l appears, then
lscpp2 works just like lscpp (and it should actually call lscpp). Use an if statement
to implement lscpp2.
Asgn 1f: Simple find. Write a command called sfind (simple find) which is a simplification of
the find command. (See
“man find” for a description of find.)
The sfind command uses find to recursively look for files whose names
contain a given string, starting in the current directory. For example
sfind main
“find” to locate all files recursively that have “main” in their name starting
in the current directory. Your sfind
script should print a message and stop if the number of arguments is not one.
Give the
to make
sure you are on Linux (not SUN Solaris, which does not support the newest
version of “find”).
Asgn 1g: Simple grep. Write a command called sgrep (simple grep)
which is a simplification of the grep command.
(see “man grep” for a description of
grep.) Your sgrep command is to use grep
to recursively locate lines in files that contains a given string, starting in the current
directory. For example
sgrep msg
“grep” to locate all lines in files recursively that contains the string msg,
starting in the current directory. Test
your sgrep command by giving this example command. Beware that the Linux version
(but not the SUN version) of grep support recursion (via the –r flag).
Give the
to make
sure you are on Linux (not SUN Solaris, which does not support the newest
version of “grep”).
Asgn 1h: Nuke temporaries. Write a command called nuketmp that removes temporary directories (named
tmp or temp) that occur in a given set of directories. For example, the command
nuketmp aaa bbb
delete any directories named tmp or temp (with recursive contents) that exist
within directories aaa and bbb. Before
deleting, the command is to prompt the user to verify that the deletion is
desired. Your command should use a “for”
loop inside a “for” loop, with a “find” command that searches for directories
(not files) named tmp or temp. Note that
the rm command takes flags to specify recursive (transitive) removal and to
specify prompting. See Buhr’s example on
slides 49-50 for ideas.
What to submit for marking.
Asgn |
File to submit |
Points |
1a |
tryeval |
3 |
1b |
cs246.zip |
6 |
1c |
p |
2 |
1d |
badeq |
5 |
1e1 |
lscpp |
2 |
1e2 |
lscpp2 |
6 |
1f |
sfind |
4 |
1g |
sgrep |
4 |
1h |
nuketmp |
8 |
10 |
50 |