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Jonathan A. Zdziarski 


            (22 Years) Total Computer and Software Development Experience

            (12 Years) UNIX & Linux Systems, Advanced Development, Network Security

            (10 Years) Enterprise Software and Database Development

            (10 Years) Full Development Life Cycle, Methodology, Process and Procedure

            (8+ Years) Secure Protocol Development

            (6+ Years) Computer Forensics

            (6+ Years) Physical Security and Social Vulnerabilities

            (4+ Years) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

            (4+ Years) Director-Level Management 

Trade Skills 

STRONG UNIX  12 Years  (Linux, Sun Solaris, HP/UX, BSD, DEC, SCO, others)

STRONG C/C++  10+ Years (UNIX C/C++ and Win32/Visual C++/Embedded C++ and MFC)

STRONG Security 10 Years  (Application Layer and Network Layer + 802.11 Wireless)


Machine-Learning 4 +Years

OTHER   Perl (11 Years), JavaScript (3 Years), J2EE (2 Years), Python (1 Year), TCL, Oracle 


January 16, 2004  MIT Spam Conference in Cambridge, MA

                        a. Advanced Language Classification using nGrams

                        b. A MIME encoding for message inoculations 

January 21, 2005  MIT Spam Conference in Cambridge, MA

                        Bayesian Noise Reduction: Contextual Symmetry Logic Utilizing Pattern Consistency


March 28, 2006  MIT Spam Conference in Cambridge, MA

                        Approaches to Phishing Identification using Match and Probabalistic Digital


July 2005   Ending Spam, No Starch Press

                        A scientific guide to fighting spam using statistics and machine learning 

Affiliations   InfraGard Members Alliance - Atlanta Chapter


Employment History 

Research Scientist - CipherTrust, Inc. (September 2005 - Present) 


Responsible for the research and development of new technology from conceptual phase to engine development and deployment. Role includes the invention and research of new probabilistic, heuristic, and machine-learning approaches to solve problems relating to messaging security, antivirus, spam filtering, encryption, regulatory and corporate compliance, and other areas covering CipherTrust's suite of products.  



Sr. Software Engineer - Cybera, Inc. (September 2001 - September 2005) 


Responsible for all aspects of the software development cycle as it pertains to in-house developed applications utilizing C, C++, Perl, and J2EE on an Oracle platform. Integration of systems including real-time data access EDI middleware and custom sales, ordering, provisioning, billing, and auditing systems.  



Model Development Engineer - Micromuse, Inc. (May 2001 - July 2001) 



      Learned Netcool/Visionary's complete inner-workings within a matter of days.

      Designed several of Micromuse's commercial rulesets which make up the Host Rules including:


Director of Development - NetRail, Inc (June 2000 - April 2001)

(Employee number 3 of what grew to a company of ~200 between 1997 and 2001) 





Director of MIS  - NetRail, Inc (December 1999 - June 2000) 




Developer and Sr. Systems Administrator  - NetRail, Inc (July 1997-December 1999) 



Network Operations Engineer - RCN (Nov 1996-Jul 1997) 



Escalation Technician - TIAC; The Internet Access Company (Jun 1995-Nov 1996) 

Computer Tech - TMC; The Micro Connection (September 1994-Jun 1995) 

Recent Open Source Contributions