Some Fun Stuff
(This stuff is really old and fairly lame ...)
- Enough adorable baby pictures to make you gag
- Some old Dilbert cartoons on
process management,
risk management,
project planning,
software process,
requirements analysis,
ISO 9000,
software quality,
quality assurance,
SRS document size,
SRS risks,
becoming an engineer,
MBA case studies,
the meaning of life,
software demos,
executive summaries,
meetings bloody meetings
- The killer joke
- Conclusive
proof that there is no kind and just God (I mean, I spend two years
of my life in pretty but rather dull Ithaca NY and then just after I
leave town ...)
- Names I have been called:
Michael W. Godfrey PhD, Professor
School of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, CANADA
Office: DC2340
migod at uwaterloo ca