TA as a Drawing Language

Ric Holt, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Apr 97, Updated May 2002, holt@uwaterloo.ca



This note explains how TA can be used to be a graph drawing language. TA is intended to allow convenient recording of information about certain kinds of graphs. The recorded information includes the nodes and edges in the graph along with attributes that describe these nodes and edges.

TA is a notation for recording the information in a graphical database, and is not uniquely designed as a drawing language. However, we can use TA attributes with particular names, such as x and y, so that a TA program encodes the information needed to draw the graph as a diagram, perhaps on a computer screen.


An Example: The Fact Level


We will use an example graph that contains nodes P (a procedure), Q (a procedure) and V (a variable). There is Call edge from P to Q and a Ref edge from Q to V. This information is recorded in the "fact tuple" part of the graph's TA program as follows:

    Call P Q        // P Calls Q
    Ref Q V         // Q References V

To keep things simple, we shall assume that these are the only two edges in the graph. The attributes that are used to place nodes P, Q and V at particular (x, y) locations on the screen can be given as follows, as part of the "fact attribute" part of the graph's TA program:

    P { x = 50   y = 100 }
    Q { x = 150  y = 100 } 
    V { x = 250  y = 100 }

The convention is that the origin (x = 0, y = 0) is at the top left of the screen (or window). Another convention is that x and y locate the top left corner of a box the represents the node on the screen. In this example, the left sides of the three boxes are, respectively, 50, 150 and 250 pixels from the left side of the screen, and all three are 100 pixels from the top of the screen.

We will assume that procedures make up a distinct class of entities called Proc, and variables make up a distinct class of entities called Var. As a part of the "fact tuple" part of the graph's TA program, we specify:

    $INSTANCE P Proc   // P is an instance of a Proc
    $INSTANCE Q Proc   // Q is an instance of a Proc
    $INSTANCE V Var    // V is an instance of a Var

We have now given the "fact" level information that describes the graph itself and that also provides attributes for drawing the graph. We will now give the "scheme" which will "declare" the entity classes Proc and Var, allow connectivity of edges between nodes, and will provide default attributes such as colors of edges and sizes of boxes.


An Example: The Scheme Level


In the scheme for this example, we allow procedures to call procedures and procedures to reference variables, as follows:

    Call Proc Proc  // Procs call Procs
    Ref Proc Var    // Procs reference Vars

We also specify that both Procs and Vars are considered to be Boxes, which in turn have attributes needed for drawing them:

    $INHERIT Proc Box   // A Proc is a Box
    $INHERIT Var Box    // A Var is a Box

We specify that Boxes have drawing attributes, and by inheritance so do Procs and Vars, as follows:

    Box { x  y  width = 70  height = 30  color }

This specifies that any Box (and thus any Proc or Var) can have x, y, width, height and color attributes and that the default width and height are respectively 70 and 30. We further give default colors for Proc and Var boxes:

    Proc { color = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 ) }   // color red (RGB encoding)
    Var  { color = ( 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) }   // color blue

Our scheme specifies default colors for Call and Ref edges:

    (Call)  { color = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 ) }   // color red
    (Ref)   { color = ( 0.3 1.0 0.3 ) }   // color bright red

Our fact level attributes did not need to explicitly give color, width or height, because defaults for these are provided in the scheme.


Basic Drawing Conventions


By means of an example, we have described a basic set of drawing conventions, which we will now give explicitly. (Note that other conventions may be created; ours is simply one possible convention, for which a set of supporting tools has been created. The TA language proper is "unaware" of these conventions.) These conventions use five attributes: x, y, width, height and color.

The basic drawing conventions require that each node have x and y attributes set to real (float) values. These are interpreted as distances in pixels.

The drawing convention expects each node to also have width and height real values (though defaults may be provided by a drawing tool for these). It is expected, but not necessarily enforced, that boxes should not overlap, i.e., the lines forming their edges should not touch or cross each other.

A color attribute, given as an RGB triple, is expected for both nodes and edges (though a drawing tool may provide a default color, such as dark gray.)   These attributes can be provided at the fact level, for individual nodes and edges, or as defaults in the scheme.

There is no constraint on how these are specified. For example, it is not necessary to use an entity class called Box.


The $ROOT Node


There is a convention that information about the graph as a whole is encoded as attributes of a node named $ROOT. For example, the following specifies that the frame size for drawing the diagram is expected to be 600 pixels wide and 800 pixels high:

    $ROOT { width = 600  height = 800 }

The $ROOT node is not considered to be an actual node in the diagram. Conceptually, it contains all the nodes in the graph. By assumption, there are no edges to or from the $ROOT node.


Nesting and the Contain Relation


There is a distinguished relation, named "contain", which gives the hierarchic structure of nodes in the graph. The contain relation must be a forest. When the graph is drawn, a tuple such as "contain A B" is represented by drawing box B nested inside box A, instead of drawing an arrow from A to B.

The x and y values for a box B, contained in box A, are interpreted as being relative to A, i.e., they are offsets from the top left corner of A. Boxes can be nested inside boxes, recursively, at any level, and the relative interpretation of x's and y's is done level by level.

(The default name for this relation is "contain", but tools should support a mechanism for using alternate spellings of this relation.)


Further Conventions


The most important conventions for using TA as a drawing language have already been described. We will now list two other attributes that may be interpreted by software tools that draw diagrams:

Label attribute. By default, when a graph is drawn, the name of each node is displayed in the node's box. If the label attribute is given, its value is displayed instead.

Description attribute. If the description attribute is given, the drawing tool may provide a mechanism for displaying its value.


Collected Example


Here are the collected parts of the TA program used in the extended example, illustrating how to use TA as a drawing language.

    Call Proc Proc  // Procs call Procs
    Ref Proc Var    // Procs reference Vars
    $INHERIT Proc Box   // A Proc is a Box
    $INHERIT Var Box    // A Var is a Box
    Box { x  y  width = 70  height = 30  color }
    Proc { color = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 ) }   // color red (RGB encoding)
    Var  { color = ( 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) }   // color blue
    (Call)  { color = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 ) }   // color red
    (Ref)   { color = ( 0.3 1.0 0.3 ) }   // color bright red
    $INSTANCE P Proc   // P is an instance of a Proc
    $INSTANCE Q Proc   // Q is an instance of a Proc
    $INSTANCE V Var    // V is an instance of a Var
    Call P Q        // P Calls Q
    Ref Q V         // Q References V
    P { x = 50   y = 100 }
    Q { x = 150  y = 100 } 
    V { x = 250  y = 100 }