CS 746G Topics in Software Design, Concentrating on Software Architecture

Jason Chase suggests the following readings on distributed object computing.

The following article presents a brief overview and comparision of the three main technologies: CORBA, DCOM and Java RMI. Parts 2-4 discuss each technology in more detail (part 4 will be published next week). The article is not very long, but at least it provides a decent introduction.

Best practices in distributed object application development: RMI, CORBA and DCOM (Part 1 of 4)", Tom Albertson, February 23, 1998

The following paper discusses some of the methods for distributed object computing. Of particular interest is the discussion of requirements for methods before any of the technologies will be truly useful. There is a some discussion of architectural issues. Given the authors, there is some material on specific MCI products/direction which can be ignored.

Methods for Distributed Object Computing, Cris Kobryn and Hernan Astudillo, Technology Division, MCI Systemhouse, OOPSLA '96 Workshop on Methodologies for Distributed Objects