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of this bibliography
Software Architecture: An Annotated Bibliography
Professor Ric Holt,, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
This is a bibliography of references for the study of software architecture.
Many of its entries have been annotated. This bibliography has been the
basis of a graduate seminar on software architecture taught
years at the University of Waterloo and previously at the Univerity of Toronto.
For University of Waterloo students, to have access to IEEE and ACM
libraries of articles, please first log into:
- Jonathan Aldrich, Craig Chambers, and David Notkin.
ArchJava: Connecting Software Architecture to Implementation.
In proceedings of ICSE 2002, May 2002.
Andersson, Jonas and Johnson, Pontus,
Architectual Integration
Styles for Large-Scale Enterprise Software Systems,
Proceedings of
Fifth IEEE International
Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2001,
Page 224-236.
Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, Gary Chastek, Pat Donohoe, and Fabio Peruzzi,
Architecture Based Design Method,
Technical Report, CMU/SEI-2000-TR-001, January 2000. The report presents a systematic and comprehensive method to construct a conceptual architecture of a product line or large-scale software system. The method is based on iterative model. The first iteration is a nine steps process. The input of the method is a list of requirements and constraints; the output of the method is a list of architecture decisions including views, design elements and design templates. There is another
related report
that helps to understand how to apply this method in a real life project. [Morgan Yingfu Lu] (See also
Morgan's slides
on this paper.)
- T. Ball, S.G. Eick;
Software visualization in the large;
Computer, Volume 29, Issue 4, April 1996
- D. Batory;
Product-Line Architectures;
International Conference on Software Engineering, 1998
Andreas Bauer, Markus Pizka,
Contribution of Free Software to Software Evolution,
Institut fur Informatik, Technische Universit at Munchen,
Boltzmannstr. 3, Germany 85748 Garching,
Page 170,
Sixth International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE'03)
September 01 - 02, 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
Paper discusses how free software is developed and what kind of role the architecture plays.
Notably, it discusses architectural issues of Mozilla.
- Berghammer, R. et al, The RELVIEW System, from
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel.
The Relview system is a tool designed to support
the manipulation, analysis
and visualization of data represented as binary relations. It is currently
an active research project of the Department of Computer Science and Applied
Mathematics of Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. More information
can be found at
Relview WWW Page . The system provides the ability to view and
edit relations from two views, a binary boolean matrix and a directed graph.
The system also provides many ways for manipulating relations. These
are provided through the user interface and also a fairly extensive programming
language. There is a potential for using this system to manipulate
the facts about a software system in order to obtain architectural views,
although the Relview project has not considered this possibility so far.
[James Keast] (See also
Keast's notes and slides
on this work.)
Ivan T. Bowman, Richard C. Holt and Neil V. Brewster,
Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software Architecture,
ICSE 99, Los Angeles, May 99.
paper describes an approach to extracting the conceptual and concrete architectures
from a large software system where no such documentation previously existed
Using a recent version of Linux as a software guinea pig, the authors used
a combination of automated tools and manual effort to build a visual representation
of the overall structure of the operating system's kernel. In particular,
the process of extracting the file subsystem architecture is described
in detail. In an iterative process, the results generated from the automated
tools were manipulated based on knowledge of a conceptual model. The final
result was a graphical representation of the file subsystem structure that
can aid in understanding the system from a high level. Finally, the differences
between the abstract and concrete architectures are presented along with
possible explanations for those differences. [Richard Gregory] (See
Gregory's slides on this work.)
Grady Booch,
The architecture of Web applications
- Grady Booch,
When Worlds Collide
* Buhr, R.J.A.
and Casselman, R.S.,
Architectures with Pictures,
OOPSLA '92, pp 466-483.
This paper advocates the use of wired and wireless architectural diagrams to
illustrate high level architecutral style. Wired architectures have static connections between
components while wireless components have dynamic "soft links" between components.
They use a very basic notation for their links between components. Large lines are used to
indicate communication between components (no direction is used). The authors introduce
the idea of a time thread which passes through various components of an architecture.
Designs can be made in terms of timethreads in two ways: Time threads can be defined first,
then components can be defined to complete the task. Components with similar roles can then
be merged. Alternatively, components can be defined first and then timethreads are strung
between components. The use of animated diagrams illustrating component collaboration over
time was advocated to illustrate the dynamic behavior of an architecture. They also discuss
contracts between components and discuss component-component interactions in terms of
contracts between components.
[Chris Pal] (See also
Chris Pal's notes and slides on this paper.)
*+ Buxton, John and
McDermid, John,
Architectual Design (Chapter 17),
pp. 17/1 - 17/33, in Software Engineer's Reference Book, CRC Press,
2000 Corporate Blvd NW, Boca Raton, Florida, 33431, 1993.
This paper discusses 'architectural design', which is described as the
high-level design which follows requirements analysis, but precedes any
detailed design. This paper (being a chapter from a book) is quite long,
and covers a number of ideas relating to architectural design. The paper
first presents design principles and notations for the ideal design
process. Acknowledging that the ideal design process is essentially
impossible, pragmatic guidelines/heuristics for architectural design are
suggested. Next, the importance of analysis and review of architecture
designs is explained. Finally, the paper presents some existing methods
(e.g. HOOD, SSADM) which could be used for architectural design.
[Jason Chase] (See also
McDermid's group web page
with its
Carmichael, I., Tzerpos, T and Holt, R.C., Design Maintenance:
Unexpected Architectural Interactions, IEEE Proceedings of the
International Conference on Software Maintenance, Nice, France,
October 1995, pp. 134-137.
+Consens, M, Mendelzon, A., and Ryman, Arthur, Visualizing and Querying
Software Structures, IBM Labs Canada Tech Report 74.053, Sept 1991.
Jeromy Carriere, Rick Kazman,
Assessing Design Quality From a Software Architectural Perspective, Technical Report, CMU/SEI.
This report draws on the authors' experiences with Software Architectures and Object Oriented Systems in order to relate how a good object oriented design and a well designed architecture are related. Some ideas are presented on what the definition of good design might be, and how how that good design can be achieved.[M. Kaastra]
(See also
Mike Kaastra's
slides on this paper.)
- Paul C. Clements;
A Survey of Architecture Description Languages;
International Workshop on Software
Specification and Design, 1996
+Dart, S.A., The Past, Present, and the Future of Configuration Management,
Tech Report CMU/SEI-92-TR-8, Carnegie-Mellon University, Software
Engineering Institute, July 1992.
+Dean, T.R. and Cordy, J.R., A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture,
Special Issue on Software Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering 21,4 (April 1995), pp. 302-313.
* +Deremer, F., Kron, H.H. Programming-in-the-large versus
Programming-in-the-Small, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Vol SE-2, No 2, June 1976.
This 'classical' paper argues for the need to distinguish between
programming-in-the-large and programming-in-the-small. It is argued
that "...structuring a large collection of modules to form a 'system' is
an essentially distinct and different intellectual activity from that of
constructing the individual modules". To this end, a separate language
is needed to allow programmers to express their intent regarding the system
structure: a Module Interconnection Language (MIL).
The motivation and goals for an MIL are explicated, and a sample MIL,
(MIL75), is presented. This paper is an early attempt to resolve issues
pertaining to the construction of large scaled software systems which are
still prevalent today.
Eades, Peter,
A Heuristic for Graph Drawing, Congressus Numerantium,
Vol 42 (1984), pp 149-160.
This paper presents a heuristic for laying out graphs that works well
for graphs of order less than 30. The algorithm views the graph as a
physical system, having nodes which are adjacent being attracted to each
other while non-adjacent nodes repel each other. The algorithm provides
a good initial layout of a graph.
[Dan Frank]
- What is a software architecture?, Peter Eeles, The Rational Edge, Developer Works, IBM, 15 Feb 2006.
Characteristics of a software architect,
Peter Eeles, The Rational Edge, Developer Works, IBM, 12 Mar 2006.
- Eick, Stephen G., Todd L. Graves, Alan F. Karr, J.S. Marron,
Audris Mockus,
Does Code Decay?
Assessing the Evidence from Change Management Data,
IEEE Trans on Software Engineering,
Vol. 27, No 1, pp 1-12, 1990.
A. Mockus, R.T. Fielding and J. Herbsleb,
Two Case Studies of Open Source Software Development: Apache
and Mozilla, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
Methodology, 11(3), 1-38, July 2002.
- Feijs, L, Krikhaar, R., and VanOmmering, R.,
A Relational Approach to Support Software Architecture Analysis,
[URL accessible from U Waterloo]
Software Practice and Experience, Vol 28(4), pp 371-400, April 1998.
Fowler, Martin,
Who Needs an Architect?
IEEE Software
A. Frick, A. Ludwig and H. Mehldau,
A fast adaptive layout algorithm for undirected graphs,
Proceedings of Graph Drawing'94, LNCS 894, Springer Verlag 1995.
+Gamma, E, Helm, R., Vlissides, J. Design Patterns: Abstraction and
Reuse of Object-Oriented Design, ECOOP 93, Germany, 1993.
Gangopadhyay, D., ObjChart: Tangible Specification of Reactive
Object Behavior, Tech Report RC-18627, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
Center, Jan 1993.
* +
Garlan, David and
Shaw, Mary,
An Introduction to Software Architecture,
Advances in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Volume 1, World
Scientific Publishing Co., 1993.
In this paper, the authors provide an introduction to the field of Software
Architecture. Their purpose is to illustrate the current state of the
discipline and examine the ways in which architectural design can impact
software design. The authors outline a number of common architectural styles
based on practical experience: pipes and filters, data abstraction,
implicit invocation, layered systems, repositories, and table driven
interpreters. While it is important to understand the individual nature of
each of these styles, most systems typically involve some combination of
several styles. The authors show how heterogeneous styles can be combined in a
single design. Next, the authors use six case studies to illustrate how
architectural representations of a software system can improve the
understanding of complex systems. Finally, the authors survey some of the
outstanding problems in the field of Software Architecture, and consider a few
of the possible future directions for research.
The abstract from the paper is as follows: As the size of software systems
increases, the algorithms and data structures of the computation no longer
constitute the major design problems. When systems are constructed from
many components, the organisation of the overall system -- the software
architecture -- presents a new set of design problems. This level of design
has been addressed in a number of ways including informal diagrams and
descriptive terms, module interconnection languages, templates and
frameworks for systems that serve the needs of specific domains, and formal
models of component integration mechanisms.
In this paper we provide an introduction to the emerging field of software
architecture. We begin by considering a number of common architectural
styles upon which many systems are currently based and show how different
styles can be combined in a single design. Then we present six case studies
to illustrate how architectural representations can improve our
understanding of complex software systems. Finally, we survey some of the
outstanding problems in the field, and consider a few of the promising
research directions.
[Ladan Tahvildari]
(See also
Ladan's notes on this paper and
Bowman's notes
on this paper.)
* Garlan, David and
Allen, R., and Ockerbloom, J.,
Architectural Mismatch or, Why Reuse is So Hard,
IEEE Software, November 1995.
This paper attempts to develop and new techniques to cope with mismatches
between assembled software components. The paper argues that there exist fundamental
differences between compositional problems that occur due to low-level issues of
interoperability such as differing programming languages or database designs and problems of
architectural mismatch. They argue that problems of architectural mismatch are a more
pervasive class of problem. They illustrate the types of mismatch that they experienced
building software development environments from existing parts. They argue that key
mismatch issues centre around the assumptions the reusable parts make about the structure
of the application in which the developers expect the part to appear, yet do not necessarily
make explicitly clear. Based on this experience they show how an architectural view can help
expose and highlight some of these compositional problems.
[Chris Pal] (See also
Pal's notes and slides
Hassan's slides
on this paper.)
David Garlan,
Software Architecture: a Roadmap,
ICSE 2000, 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Future of Software Engineering Track, June 4-11, 2000, Limerick Ireland, ACM, 2000.
The paper examines some of the important trends of software architecture. It describes the roles of architecture in software systems development and summarizes
the past and current state of research and practice. It also considers some of the forces that are changing the world of software systems themselves, and speculates on emerging trends, challenges, and aspirations. [Maher Shinouda]
Gerald Gannod and Shilpa Murthy,
Verification of Recovered Software Architectures,
IWPC 2003: Proceedings of 2003 International Workshop on Program Comprehension, May 2003
+Harel, David
On Visual Formalisms, CACM, 31,5, May 88.
Harel, D.,
Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems,
Science of Computer Programming 8 (1987) 231-274, Elsevier,
North Holland.
* Harel, David
and Eran, Gery,
Executable Object Modeling with Statecharts,
ICSE 96, Mar 1996, Berlin, pp 246-257.
The paper describes an object-oriented modeling technique based on visual
formalisms. The modeling technique consists of two modeling languages
(O-Charts and Statecharts) which respectively describe the structure and
behavior of a system. The paper informally describes the formal syntax and
semantics of these two languages and uses a rail-car system as an example.
The topic of behavioral inheritance is introduced and cited as an area of
future research. The languages are supported in the form of a tool called
O-MATE which generates executable code given O-Charts and Statecharts.
[Moataz Kamel]
(See also
Kamel's slides on this paper.)
David R. Harris and Howard B. Reubenstein and Alexander S. Yeh,
Reverse Engineering to the Architectural Level,
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE),
pp 186-195, April 1995
This paper presents an architecture recovery framework that integrates
reverse engineering technology and architectural style representations.
The authors claim that by using this framework, an analyst can recover
custom, dynamic documentation to fit a variety of software analysis
requirements. This framework is made of 3 components: architectural
representation, a source code recognition engine and a library of
recognition queries, and a "Bird's Eyes" program overview capability. The
architecture style and the query library of this framework are discussed
in details with examples. Then, this paper addresses some questions about
bridging the gaps to system understanding. Also, the framework attempts to
inform the analyst about the percentage of the code that implements
architectural commitments by using a preliminary code coverage metric. As
many papers in software architecture, this paper provides an example of
using this architecture recovery framework. Finally, the authors describe
the several areas in which they intend to extend to their architecture
recovery framework.
[Eric Lee]
(See also
Lee's slides on this paper.)
Ahmed E. Hassan and Richard C. Holt,
Reference Architecture for Web Servers,
WCRE 2000: Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Brisbane, Australia,
Nov 6, 2000.
- Holt, R.C., Permission Theory for Software Architecture
Plus Phantom Architectures
, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
September 2005.
+ Holt, R.C.,
Penny, D.A., and Mancoridis, S. Multicolour Programming
and Metamorphic Programming: Object-Oriented Programming-in-the-Large,
CASCON 92, IBM Canada Ltd Lab Centre for Advanced Studies,
Toronto, Ont, Nov 92.
Holt, R.C.,
Binary Relational Algebra Applied to Software Architecture,
CSRI Tech Report 345, University of Toronto, March 1996.
- Holt, R.C.,
An Introduction to the Grok Programming Language,
technical Report, University of Waterloo,
May 2002.
- Holt, R.C.,
An Introduction to TA: the Tuple-Attribute Language,
technical Report, University of Waterloo, 1997.
Holt, R.C.,
Software Architecture as a Shared Mental Model, International Workshop on Program Comprehension, Paris, June, 2002.
Richard C. Holt, Andreas Winter, Andy Schurr,
GXL: Toward A Standard Exchange Format,
local copy,
WCRE 2000: Working Conference on Reverse Engineering,
Brisbane, Australia, Nov 6, 2000.
GXL is an XML sublanguage used for representing typed, attributed, directed graphs. Its main purpose was to promote interoperability between reverse engineering tools that use these types of graphs to represent software programs. It was derived from other similar languages such as TA, RSF, and Grax which were used in other reverse engineering tools/toolkits. Besides defining what GXL is and what it was derived from, this paper attempts to give us an idea of the history of these langauges and the tools that have used them. By doing this they have also shown that GXL is capable of the same work (using the premise that anything they could do, GXL could do as well since it was derived from their features). They then attempt to validate the language by proving that GXL meets a certain list of criteria for "Software Exchage Languages" derived from three other papers. These criteria include scalability, extensibility, and coverage of a number of different languages. [Andrew Trevors]
See Andrew Trevor's
slides on GXL.
Jerding, Dean and Rugaber, Spencer,
Using Visualization for Architecturual Localization and Extraction,
Proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering, WCRE97, pp. 56-65, October 1997, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
This paper discusses the use of static and dynamic extraction in obtaining software system architecture. For practical purposes, this information is then used to localize the addition of components into the system by examining the extracted architecture and determining the best place for inclusion of that new component. To accomplish this, the authors describe a tool called ISVis that they have developed; this tool implements the static and dynamic extraction methods described.
[Ryan Bannon]
(See also Ryan Bannon's
on this paper.)
* Kazman, R.,
Bass, L.,
Abowd, G. and
Clements, P., An
Architectural Analysis Case Study: Internet Information Systems
A methodology for comparing candidate architectures is presented.
emphasis is placed on "task scenarios" which are hypothetical situations
posed for the purpose of assisting in the evaluation of qualities which
otherwise be considered difficult to measure. Examples of the methodology
are shown in reference to Internet Information Systems.
[Christopher Trudeau] (See also Trudeau's
Kazman, R. and Carriere, S.J., View Extraction and View Fusion in
Architectural Understanding, submitted to 5th Int'l Conf on
Software Reuse, 1998.
* Kazman, R.,
Mark Klein and Paul Clements,
Abowd, G. and
Clements, P.,
ATAM: Method for Architecture Evaluation,
Aug 2000, Tech Report CMU/SEI-2000-TR-004.
Kreger, Heather,
Web Services Conceptual Architecture (WCSA 1.0),
May 2001
Rene L. Krikhaar,
Software Architecture Reconstruction,
Doctoral thesis,
University of Amsterdam,
Kruchten, P.B.,
The 4+1 Views Model of Architecture,
IEEE Software, Nov 95, pp 42-50.
This paper aims to remedy the problem of presenting many concerns on one
software architecture diagram. The 4+1 View Model was developed using Phillipe
Kruchten's experiences as a software architect of Rational Software Inc. The
five concurrent views are: Logical View, Process View, Development View,
Physical View and Scenarios. Each view shows a specific aspect of the system
that is modeled. This makes it possible for each group of stakeholders to focus
on the views that they are concerned with. Most of the views used the Booch
notation. The process is mainly driven by the logical view which can be
described by Class Diagrams and State Transition Diagrams. Software developers
using an Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology will find this paper
useful to organize their views of the system.
(See also
Tanuan's slides
Hassan's slides
on this paper.)
- Lampson, Butler L., Hints for Computer System Design , ACM Operating Systems Rev. 15, 5 (Oct. 1983), pp 33-48. Reprinted in IEEE Software 1, 1 (Jan. 1984), pp 11-28.
- M. Lanza, S. Ducass;
Polymetric views - a lightweight visual approach to reverse engineering;
IEEE Transactions onSoftware Engineering, Volume 29, Issue
9, Sept. 2003
Levin, R. and McJones, P., The Vesta Approach to Precise Configuration
of Large Software Systems, SRC Research Report 105, Digitial Equipment
Corporation, June 1993.
* Lindig, Christian and Snelting, Gregor,
Assessing Modular Structure
of Legacy Code Based on Mathematical Concept Analysis,
ICSE 97, Boston MA, pp 349-359.
The focus of this research is to attempt to automate modularization of legacy
code. To this end, the technique of mathematical concept analysis based on
set theory is applied to software systems. The paper explains how module
structures show up in a concept lattice. Cohesion and coupling are defined and
methods for resolving interferences between modules are presented. The
method is applied to several examples written in Modula-2, Fortran, and Cobol
with limited success. They conclude that the language used affects the
modularization potential. Also, automatic modularization is possible only if
there is still some hidden structure, but fails on software which is near
entropy death. From the abstract:
We apply mathematical concept analysis in order to modularize legacy code. By
analysing the relation between procedures and global variables, a so-called
concept lattice is constructed. The paper explains how module structures show
up in the lattice, and how the lattice can be used to assess cohesion and
coupling between module candidates. Certain algebraic decompositions of the
lattice can lead to automatic generation of modularization proposals. The
method is applied to several examples written in Modula-2, Fortran, and Cobol;
among them a > 100kloc aerodynamics program.
[Moataz Kamel] (See also
Kamel's slides
on this paper.)
C.-H. Lung
and K. Kalaichelvan,
A Quantitative Approach to Software Architecture Sensitivity Analysis, Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Software Eng and Knowledge Eng, June 1998, pp. 185-192.
Chung-Horng Lung, Sonia Bot, Kalai Kalaichelvan, and Rick Kazman,
An Approach to Software Architecture Analysis for Evolution and
Proceedings of CASCON '97, November 1997.
- J.I. Maletic, A. Marcus, L. Feng;
Source Viewer 3D (sv3D) - a framework for software
International Conference on Software Engineering, 2003
S. Mancoridis,
ISF: A Visual Formalism for Specifying Interconnection Styles for
Software Design,
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering (to appear, 1998). See also shorter version
"Customizable Notations for Software Design" by Mancoridis.
The motivation for ISF (Interconnection Style Formalism) is to understand
the structure of a software system. An understanding of the relationships
between components and dependencies leads to the success during the
implemention, testing, and maintenance stages of the system.
Unlike most software design notations, ISF is customizable while still
remaining formal.
The visual aspect of ISF consist of labelled boxes and directed edges.
The arrangements of the boxes (components/entities) and edges (edge relations)
must obey ISF rules, ergo the formal side of ISF.
There are two ISF rules: permission rules which indicate what is permissable
under the current configurations of the components and dependencies;
and definition rules which allows new relations to be defined. Different
interconnection styles have different sets of permission rules and definition
rules. Mancoridis gave an ISF specification for the export style and
the tube style.
[John Tran]
S. Mancoridis,
Customizable Notations for Software Design,
In the ACM/IEEE Proceedings of the 1997 International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering ,
Madrid, Spain, June, 1997.
Spiros Mancoridis,
Toward a generic framework for computing subsystem interfaces,
Joint proceedings of the second international software
architecture workshop (ISAW-2) and international workshop on multiple
perspectives in software development (Viewpoints '96) on SIGSOFT '96
pages 106-110,
San Francisco, California, United States
S. Mancoridis,
B. S. Mitchell, C. Rorres,
Y. Chen, E. R. Gansner,
Using Automatic Clustering to Produce High-level System Organizations
of Source Code, IEEE Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on
Program Understanding, Ischia, Italy, June, 1998.
This paper presents a fully automatic technique that creates a hierarchical
view of the system organization based on the components and relationships that
exist in the source code. The first step in this technique is to represent the
system modules and module-level relationships as a module dependency graph
(MDG). Then, a collection of algorithms is applied to partition the graph in a
way that derives the high-level subsystem structure from the component-level
relationships that are extracted from the source code. The goal of this
software modularization process is to automatically partition the components of
a system into clusters (subsystems) so that the resultant organization
concurrently minimizes inter-connectivity (connections between the components
of two distinct clusters) while maximizing intra-connectivity (connections
between the components of the same cluster).
Bunch is the clustering
tool that applies the clustering algorithms to the module dependency graph.
This paper also presents a case study that illustrates the automatic software
modularization technique. This paper concludes by outlining the research
benefits and limitations of the work along with discussion of the future plans
to improve the technique.
[Ladan Tahvildari]
(See also
Ladan's notes on this paper.)
Nenad Medvidovic, Alexander Egyed, and Paul Gruenbacher,
Stemming Architectural Erosion by Coupling Architecture Discovery and Recovery,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop from Software Requirements to Architectures
(STRAW), 2003.
Paper discusses how to prevent arch erosion by studying and synthesizing requirements and implementation.
Mendonca, N.C.
Kramer, J.,
Requirements for an Effective
Architecture Recovery Framework,
Proc 2nd International
Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2), pp 101-105, 1996.
This paper discusses two topics. First, the current frameworks for
reverse engineering for architectural analysis are presented.
Second, the authors propose a new framework for architectural recovery
and analysis. The five existing frameworks discussed are: filtering and
clustering, compliance checking, analyzers generators, program
understanding, and architecture recognition. Their proposed framework is
based on a combination of these ideas including an additional extraction
step to recognize architectural elements.
[Matt Armstrong] (See also
Armstrong's slides on this paper.)
Minsky, N.H. and Rozenshtein, C. Configuration Management by Consensus:
An Application of Law-Governed Systems, ITIRC March 1992.
Minsky, N.H., Law-Governed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, Sept 1991.
+Minsky, N.H., Law-Governed Regularities in Object Systems; Part I:
Principles, Theory and Practice in Object Systems (TAPOS) 1996.
Robert T. Monroe,
Andrew Kompanek,
Ralph Melton, and
David Garlan,
Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects,
IEEE Software, Jan 97, pp 43-52.
This paper describes the relationship between software architecture and
object-oriented design (OOD), as well as the relationship between
architectural styles and design patterns. First of all, the authors
present what architectural designs and styles are, along with their
purposes and benefits. Then, the authors describe applying
object-oriented design to software architecture and the differences
between architectural design and OOD. Finally, the authors
compare/contrast architectural styles and design patterns. This paper
concludes that architectures, architectural styles, objects and design
patterns are complementary aspects of design and none of them completely
subsumes the other. [Eric Lee] (See also
Lee's slices on this paper.)
Müller, Hausi A.,
Mehmet, O.A.,
Tilley, S.R., and
Uhl, J.S.,
A Reverse Engineering Approach to Subsystem Identification,
Software Maintenance and Practice, Vol 5, 181-204, 1993.
This paper presents a reverse-engineering methodology that utilizes the
Rigi system. This paper describes an approach to creating higher-level
abstract representation of a system, which involves the identification of
related components and dependencies, the construction of layered
subsystem structures, and the computation of exact interfaces among
subsystems. This paper concludes with a detailed, step-by-step analysis of
a 30-module image rendering program by applying their subsystem composition
[Ladan Tahvildari]
(See also
Ladan's notes on this paper.)
Murphy, G.C, Notkin, D., and Sullivan, K.,
Software Reflexion Models:
Bridging the Gap between Source and High-Level Models,
Proceedings of the Third ACM Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering (FSE '95)
This paper presents a way to map a source-code model into a
developer's high-level software model. This is acheived by using a mapping
from files to high-level modules. Using the given mapping, software reflexion
tools can map a source-code model (which is a relation on files) into a
high-level model (which is a relation on modules). After the mapping is done,
software reflexion tools can identify the differences between the high-level
model and the source-code model. The user of these is tools is able to have
a better understanding of a software system by noting divergences and absences
between the source-code model and the high-level model.
[Itai Danan]
Ciaran O'Reilly, Philip Morrow, and David Bustard,
School of Computing and Information Engineering,
University of Ulster,
BT52 1SA, Northern Ireland,
{c.oreilly, pj.morrow, dw.bustard},
Lightweight Prevention of Architecture Erosion,
Sixth International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE'03),
Page 59,
September 01 - 02, 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
A straightforward and easy-to-read paper. It shows an easy to apply approach to preventing architecture approach. It is close to Khrikkar's work and to
work at the University of
Ossher, Harold, A Mechanism for Specifying the Structure of Large,
Layered Programs, RC12300, Nov 86, 27 pages.
Pal, Chris,
A Technique for Illustrating Dynamic Component
Level Interactions Within a Software Architecture
Parker, Greg, Franck, Glenn, and Ware, Colin,
Visualization of Large Nested Graphs in 3D,
Special issue of the Journal of Visual Languages and
Computing. 9, 299-317.
Parnas, D.L.,
Software Aging
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software engineering,
Sorrento, Italy,
Pps 279 - 287,
+Parnas, D.L., On Criteria to be used in Decomposing Systems into
Modules, CACM, 14,1, pp 221-227, April 72
Parnas, D.L., On the Design and Development of Program Families,
IEEE TSE (special issue), SE-2, Dec 76
Parnas, D.L., and Clements, P.C., Rational Design Process: How and Why
to Fake It, IEEE TSE, SE12,2, pp. 251-257, Feb 86.
* +
Perry, Dewayne E.
Wolf, Alexander L.,
Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture,
alternate source,
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 17:4, October 1992
pp 40-52.
This paper aims to build the foundation for software architecture. The authors
presented a model of software architecture that consists of three components:
elements, form, and rationale. Components of the model in the context of both
architecture and architectural styles were discussed. They conclude by
presenting some of the benefits of their approach to software architecture,
summarizing their contributions, and relating their approach to Schwanke et
al., Zachman, and Shaw. The abstract from the paper is as follows:
The purpose of this paper is to build the foundation for software architecture.
We first
develop an intuition for software architecture by appealing to several
architectural disciplines. On the basis of this intuition, we present a model
of software
architecture that consists of three components: elements, form, and rationale.
Elements are
either processing, data, or connecting elements. Form is defined in terms of
the properties of,
and the relationships among, the elements---that is, the constraints on the
elements. The
rationale provides the underlying basis for the architecture in terms of the
system constraints,
which most often derive from the system requirements. We discuss the components
of the
model in the context of both architectures and architectural styles and present
an extended
example to illustrate some important architecture and style considerations. We
conclude by
presenting some of the benefits of our approach to software architecture,
summarizing our
contributions, and relating our approach to other current work. [Meyer
Perry, Dewayne E.,
A Product Line Architecture for a
Network Product, manuscript was reviewed, paper since revised, 1998.
The paper describes how a generic architecture that supports
dynamical reconfigurability can be defined for a (network) product line (a
range of products with similar characteristics). The generic
characteristics (independence of the exact components in a given system in
the line) of the architecture are achieved by addressing distribution
(where are the components) at design and implementation layers. The system
should have a model of itself, a command broker providing location
transparency, a reconfiguration manager and reconfigurable
components. The architecture is split into reconfiguration and
domain-specific components. One of the points the paper makes is that
identifying the abstractions (the connection in the case network
product line) can help organize the system around them. It also shows that
for a viable architectural solution relevant aspects (at architectural
level) should be taken from both system objects and system functionality
(i.e. a hybrid approach).[Andrei Dragoi] (See also
Dragoi's notes on this paper.)
Raymond, Eric S.,
The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Firstmonday, 1998.
Reinder Bril, Rene, Krikhaar, and Andre, Postma,
Embedding architectural support in industry,
Proceedings International Conference on Software,
Maintenance, p348-357, IEEE Computer Society, 2003.
- Rotschke, Tobias and Krikhaar, Rene,
Architecture Analysis Tools to Support Evolution of Large Industrial Systems,
ICSM 02, International Conference on Software Maintenance.
+Ryman, Arthur, The Theory-Model Paradigm in Software Design,
Tr 74.048, 11 Oct 89, IBM Canada Lab Tech Report
+Schwanke, R. W., Altucher, R.Z., Platoff, M.A., Discovering,
Visualizing, and Controlling Software Structure, Siemens Corp.
Research, Inc., 755 College Rd East, Princeton, NJ 08540
Schwanke,R.W., Platoff, M.A.,
Cross References are Features,
2nd International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, p 86-96, 1989.
In the context of this paper a cross reference is any relation
between two entities (e.g. module A calls module B, A uses variable V,
procedure P calls procedure Q).
The authors consider that if A calls B than this can be seen as A having
the feature (i.e. property) of calling B, and B has the feature
of being called. Based on this observation a new clustering
measure can be defined, based on shared neighbors (e.g. if A calls B
and A calls C then C and be have the common feature of being called by A -
i.e. share the neighbor A). This measure can be used as an alternative to
the cohesion strength for summarizing call graphs. It can also be used in
splitting large include files and in improving the modularity of a system,
by finding the misplaced files (according to the measure). The authors have
prototyped a system (ARCH) that uses the measure for the previous
tasks. ARCH should is used in an iterative process which involve feedback
from a human architect. The paper points out that the described measure
should be use as a complement, not a replacement of the various
cohesion based measures. [Andrei Dragoi] (See also
Dragoi's notes on this paper.)
* Schwanke, Robert W., An Intelligent Tool for Re-engineering
Software Modularity, Proc ICSE 91, Austin TX, May, 1991, pp 81-92.
This paper describes a program which attempts to reverse engineer
software in order to better provide software modularity. By looking at
which procedures reference data structures of the same name, the program
will group them together assuming this implies a modular relationship.
In practice, this was a useful tool but required hand tuning of various
constants in order to provide meaningful groupings. [Dan Frank]
* Shaw, M.
Clements, P.,
A Field Guide to Boxology: Preliminary
Classification of Architectural Styles for Software Systems,
C.S. Dept and Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213.
This paper extends the previous work of Garlan and Shaw, by further
software architecture styles. Characteristics of various styles are
examined in order to distinguish between styles. Control and data flow
are analyzed with respect to topology, synchronicity, continuity, and
binding time. A table is given with twenty-five common architectures,
each analyzed with respect to the above criteria. In-depth analysis is
done on a small selection of these architectures showing variations on
[Jen Campbell]
- S.E. Sim, C.L.A. Clarke, R.C. Holt, A.M. Cox;
Browsing and Searching Software Architectures;
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 1999
* Soni, D., Nord, R., and Hofmeister, C.,
Software Architecture in Industrial Applications,
From the abstract:
To help us identify and focus on pragmatic and concrete
issues related to the role of the software architecture in large
systems, we conducted a survey of a variety of software
systems used in industrial applications. Our premise, which
guided the examination of these systems, was that software
architecture is concerned with capturing the structures of a
system and the relationships among the elements both within and
between structures. The structures we found fell into several
broad categories: conceptual architecture, module interconnection
architecture, code architecture and execution architecture. These
categories address different engineering concerns. combined with
specialized implementation techniques decreased the complexity of
implementation and improved reuse and reconfiguration.
[James Keast] (See also
Keast's slides
on this paper.)
Sowa, J.F. and Zachman, J.A., Extending and Formalizing the Framework
of Information Systems Architecture, IBM Systems Journal,
Vol 31, No 3, 1992.
C. Stoermer,
L. O'Brien,
C. Verhoef,
Practice Patterns for Architecture Reconstruction
Ninth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'02),
October 29 - November 01, 2002,
Richmond, Virginia
M.D. Storey, H.A. Mller, K. Wong;
Manipulating And Documenting Software Structures; International Conference
on Software Maintenance, 1995
* Sugiyama, Kozo, Shojiro, Tagawa, and Toda, Mitsuhiko, Models for
Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures,
IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-11,
No 2, Feb 1981, pp 109-125.
The Sugiyama graph layout algorithm uses a heuristic to quickly display
hierarchical graphs in a visually understandable way. This layout is
effective for many graphs, and the techniques described are useful to
authors of software-architecture tools. Bowman's
summarize the algorithm discussed in the paper, and provide an example
Several improvements to the algorithm have been made; for a summary of
recent graph drawing research, see
Cruz and Tamassia's
on graph drawing.
[Ivan Bowman]
- Torvalds, Linus,
Comments on Designing Linux , Nov 2001.
Tran, John B., and Holt, Richard C.,
Forward and Reverse Repair of Software Architecture,
CASCON '99, Toronto,
November 1999.
Tzerpos, V.
Holt, R.C.,
and Farmaner, G., Web-Based Presentation of
Hierarchic Software Architecture, Workshop on Software Engineering
(on) the World Wide Web, International Conference on Software
Engineering 1997, Boston, May 19, 1997.
Tzerpos, V.
Holt, R.C.,
The Orphan Adoption Problem in Architecture Maintenance,
Proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering 1997, Amsterdam, October 1997.
The reverse engineering of a legacy application without aid from the
original developers or design documentation is a difficult task.
Subsystem structure is usually not inherently visible from the source
code, and is changed over the course of the evolution of the software
This paper focuses on the effects of software evolution on the structure of
the software system. Two problems are identified as being particularly
important, namely the orphan adoption problem and the kidnappee adoption
The orphan adoption problem is that of incremental clustering. That is,
finding the appropriate subsystem to place a newly introduced resource.
The kidnappee adoption problem is that of corrective clustering, or the
movement of resources from one subsystem to another as structural change
is introduced.
An algorithm is presented which attempts to address these problems using
resource names, resource dependencies, and classification of resources as
being either functional or utility resources.
Case studies are provided which study the efficacy of the presented
algorithm in addressing the orphan adoption problem.
[Saheem Siddiqi]
(See also
Hassan's slides
on this paper.)
Vassilios Tzerpos, R. C. Holt,
ACDC: An Algorithm for Comprehension-Driven Clustering,
WCRE 2000: Working Conference on Reverse Engineering,
Brisbane, Australia, Nov 6, 2000.
+Ware, C., Hui, D. and Franck, G., Visualizing Object-Oriented
Software in Three Dimensions, CASCON 93.
Wiggerts, Theo A.,
Using Clustering Algorithms in Legacy Systems Remodularization,
pp 33-43, WCRE, Oct 1997.
Like so many other papers on clustering and
software reengineering, this one begins by describing how large systems
become structurally decayed over long periods. The study of clustering
began in the field of biology over twenty-five years ago and has spread
to many other disciplines, including software engineering, which has
an interest in grouping related entities together. The paper argues that
in system remodularization, many people have either been reinventing
clustering technology or could be aided by it, thus the goal of this paper
is to provide an overview of clustering. The paper continues by
describing what clustering is and discusses how one might determine the
degree of similarity between nodes and between newly formed clusters.
Various clustering algorithms using different measures of similarity are
also presented. Finally, approaches that researchers have taken to apply
clustering techniques to existing systems are listed. [Richard
Gregory] (See also Gregory's
slides on this work.)
Also see:
Last updated 11 Sept 2005