Some Possible Projects
- Architecture of System X. X might be a big system you've worked
on or are interested in. Last year students analyzed a VOIP system,
a large distribution management system and VIM. It would be good if
someone "adopted" Mozilla and collected and regularized ideas
from the class and created a nice web presentation of Mozilla
- DEGEN. This a (suite of) programs intended to be used
to evaluate and exercise software design extraction tools. It was
started in an earlier class and has had a paper published on it.
John Tran has worked further on it.
- Layouters. Create and polish automatic graph layout
algorithms, as plug-ins to lsedit (the PBS landscape viewer).
- Tools. Invent, implement or evaluate tools for use
in architecture extraction/maintenance.
- New grok. Implement a Java class that supports
Tarski operators. This module could be a plug-in for lsedit.
- ETC. Any other topic in the general area of software
architecture, such that your work will be of interest to the class.