PC^2 Lite

In 2002, I put together Unix and Windows PC^2 Clients that can be used to participate in Waterloo practices.

To install on Linux or any other Unix-like system:

To run the client:

Note 1: If you don't install in your home directory, put a symlink named pc2 in your home directory. Or hack the script pc2/client as necessary.

Note 2: If your java installation is weird, hack the pc2/client script as necessary. You need genuine Sun java.

Note 3: You may have to change the file "pc2v7.ini" to point to the correct server. As of Dec 13, 2002, the correct server is flax22.uwaterloo.ca

Note 4: If you want the "TEST" button to work for contestants, you need to download and install Contestant Scripts in your home directory.

Note 5: If you want to run a server and set up a judging environment you have to download and install Judge Scripts in your home directory (contestant and judge scripts both reside in the directory "${HOME}/scripts" so don't try to do both in the same account). You will need some instructions on how the judge environment works.

If you are using Windows,


Below is a more complete, but earlier and incompatible version

Gord's bundled PC^2 and Java Contest Environment (for Linux)

For a windoze version click here

To install IBM VisualAge C++ on Windows 2000 click here.

Linux PC^2 Download and Installation

Step 1: downlod this tar file

Step 2: execute these Linux commands from your home directory:

tar xzvf pc2waterloo.tgz
ln -s pc2/contestant-scripts scripts
cp pc2/*ini .
cd pc2
source ini.csh
cd ..

Step 3: log in to the Waterloo PC^2 server (team5 with password of team5 will do for now). Repeat the last step to start a new client. Repeat the last 5 steps whenever you log in to your linux account.

This works for RedHat 6.0 and newer. It probably works for other Linux distributions, too. The main problem is that they made an incompatible binary format change so the JDK distribution won't work for older Linuxes. If you have an older Linux with Java you can probably nuke the java part of this installation (have a look inside ini.csh) run with your existing Java install.

Special note for RedHat 7.2 installation

The scoreboard is at href=http://canola1.uwaterloo.ca/~gvcormac/scores.html

Howard Cheng has created User Documentation for PC^2 as configured for the 2000 East Central Regional. Ther is also Setup and Judging Information but you don't need that to participate.

Gordon Cormack