Contest Standings

Current time:Sat Nov 11 16:22:59 2006
Contest started at:Sat Nov 11 11:06:20 2006
Contest length:5:00:00
Elapsed time:5:16:39 (scoreboard frozen)
1Toronto 1: University of Toronto1/711/151/291/1901/961/2681/1532/1408982
2Tartans: Carnegie Mellon University1/571/131/271/2661/1012/2651/1921/16481105
3Waterloo Black: University of Waterloo1/311/151/165/1831/5110/--3/1491/837648
4Waterloo Gold: University of Waterloo1/752/391/261/1741/4110/--6/1751/1227772
5Dragons: Carnegie Mellon University1/612/212/315/2651/79        1/1353/1727924
6Boilermakers Black: Purdue University2/341/251/821/1941/128        3/1178/29471074
7Toronto A: University of Toronto1/511/791/661/1571/216        2/2354/29871182
8Ohio Bobcats 1: Ohio University1/701/1092/52        1/1022/--2/1221/1676662
9Irish Blue: University of Notre Dame2/1891/2541/26        1/174        1/146        5809
10Marshall One: Marshall University1/641/1112/135        2/225        1/271        5846
11Cedarville1: Cedarville University4/751/2681/21        1/121        2/282        5847
12Buckeye-Alpha: Ohio State University1/302/721/62        2/183                        4387
13Valiant: University of Michigan2/1411/382/34        1/165        1/--2/--4418
14Gnu YORKers: York University1/2111/331/47        2/217        2/--        4528
15Victors: University of Michigan2/1111/482/43        2/277        7/--        4539
16Behrend Lions 1: Penn State Erie, The Behrend College1/1731/2701/37                        1/259        4739
17Pitt Blue: University of Pittsburgh2/1341/--3/170        1/289        3/219        4912
18qUAck: University of Akron1/1653/881/25                        4/--        3318
19Brock_1 Brock University2/756/--1/54        1/197                        3346
20Miami Red: Miami University3/1981/861/33                                        3357
21Trent University Decepticons: Trent University1/1291/1661/87                        6/--        3382
22A_M_D: University of Akron2/1631/--1/26        2/--        4/154        3423
23SoftEng-A: University of Western Ontario2/1781/--3/49        3/122                        3449
24Stack Overflows: Westminster College3/219        2/125        1/146                        3550
25Carleton Black: Carleton University1/140        3/139        1/267                        3586
26Taylor Gold: Taylor University1/2963/2461/39                                        3621
27GCC Wolverines: Grove City College1/150        1/234        3/265        4/--        3689
28Windsor Brown: University of Windsor                1/28                        1/205        2233
29Boilermakers Gold: Purdue University2/832/--2/117        2/--                        2240
30WLU: Wilfrid Laurier University1/175        2/49                                        2244
31Queen's B: Queen's University                1/62        1/258        2/--        2320
32OWU Bishops A: Ohio Wesleyan University1/262        1/76                        3/--        2338
33CWRU Spartans: Case Western Reserve University1/272        3/53                                        2365
33Oberlin Oriented Programmers: Oberlin College1/289        2/56                                        2365
35SVSU Maximus-Codius: Saginaw Valley State University                2/132        1/247        1/--        2399
36Irish Gold: University of Notre Dame4/269        3/49                                        2418
37Hi RAM: Hiram College5/287        1/77                                        2444
38Gold: Central Michigan University                1/199        1/250        2/--        2449
39Team 1: The University of Toledo                2/179        2/240                        2459
40Awesome Code Manipulators: University of Michigan - Dearborn2/218        3/188                        2/--        2466
41Hi ROM: Hiram College1/--        1/2021/270                                2472
42Wooster 1: College of Wooster3/192        1/248                                        2480
43Foo Of Oberlin: Oberlin College2/256        2/282                                        2578
44Windsor Black: University of Windsor        1/1749/284                                        2618
45L.U. Yellow: Laurentian University3/277        2/294        1/--                        2631
46Queen's A: Queen's University1/--3/--2/31        1/--                        151
47GVSU White: Grand Valley State University5/--        1/57                                        157
48Cedarville2: Cedarville University5/--        2/42        3/--                        162
49Wright State Team 2: Wright State University        2/--2/45                1/--                165
50McMaster McMonsters: McMaster University5/--        1/77                                        177
51BGSU Falcon: Bowling Green State University                1/86        1/--        6/--        186
51Carleton Red: Carleton University                2/66                                        186
53York Yeomen: York University                2/69                        3/--        189
54Ada Compilers: Ohio Northern University        2/--2/73        2/--                        193
55SoftEng-B: University of Western Ontario3/--        2/76                                        196
56Big Red: Denison University1/--        1/103                                        1103
57Skill Limit Exceeded: University of Michigan - Dearborn        3/--2/88                                        1108
58Baldwin-Wallace: Baldwin-Wallace College        1/--2/91                                        1111
58Pitt Gold: University of Pittsburgh2/91                                2/--                1111
60Rock On: Slippery Rock University                1/128                                        1128
61Alpha: Albion College                1/136                        1/--        1136
62SheridanDavisA: Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning Davis                3/99                                        1139
63Duel Corps Processors: Allegheny College1/--        1/142                                        1142
63Trafalgar Bachelors: Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning                2/122                                        1142
65Thiel Doofkabob: Thiel College                2/123                                        1143
66Fanshawe Black: Fanshawe College                2/130                                        1150
67Team Brute Force: McMaster University                2/133        1/--                        1153
68GVSU Blue: Grand Valley State University                4/--        2/139                        1159
69SVSU Errata-Sporadicus: Saginaw Valley State University                2/143                                        1163
70UD Flyers: The University of Dayton        1/--2/144                                        1164
71Clarion fork()s: Clarion University of PA                3/145                                        1185
72Buckeyes-Beta: Ohio State University        6/--4/138                                        1198
73Case Spartans: Case Western Reserve University                1/214                                        1214
73MVNU Green: Mount Vernon Nazarene University                4/154                                        1214
73Penguin Programmers - Red: Youngstown State University                2/194                                        1214
76EUP : ers: Edinboro University of PA3/--        1/219                                        1219
77Behrend Lions A: Penn State Erie, The Behrend College                5/145                                        1225
78Olivet: Olivet                4/168                                        1228
79UT@LCCC2: The University of Toledo @LCCC                3/198                                        1238
80Dread Pirate Space Ninjas: University of Cincinnati                2/233                                        1253
81EUP Scots: Edinboro University of PA                6/159                                        1259
82Taylor Purple: Taylor University                1/274                        2/--        1274
83Brock_2 Brock University                3/240                                        1280
84L.U. Blue: Laurentian University                3/245                        3/--        1285
85Teraflops: Ohio Northern University        3/2511/--                                        1291
86Wooster 2: College of Wooster                3/256                                        1296
87Miami White: Miami University                5/225                                        1305
88Ohio Bobcats 2: Ohio University                7/196                                        1316
89The Last Three Digits of Pi: Allegheny College                8/215                                        1355
90Marshall Three: Marshall University                8/293                                        1433
91Logic Warriors: Indiana Institute of Technology                13/217                                        1457
923 / 0: Marietta College                3/--                                        00
92AU Eagles: Ashland University                                                                00
92AU Hawks: Ashland University        3/--                                                00
92Ashland Spare 1                                                                00
92Ashland Spare 2                                                                00
92Ashland Spare 3                                                                00
92Ashland Spare 4                                                                00
92Ashland Spare 5                                                                00
92Beta: Albion College                3/--                                        00
92Captain Doug and The Avengers: Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning                5/--                                        00
92Cincinnati Spare 1                                                                00
92Cincinnati Spare 2                                                                00
92Cincinnati Spare 3                                                                00
92Cincinnati Spare 4                                                                00
92Cincinnati Spare 5                                                                00
92Cincinnati Spare 6                                                                00
92Code Warriors: Indiana Institute of Technology1/--        3/--                                        00
92Conestoga Condors: Conestoga Institute of Technology                6/--                                        00
92Fanshawe Red: Fanshawe College1/--        7/--                                        00
92GCC Bits && Bytes: Grove City College1/--        6/--                                        00
92MVNU Blue: Mount Vernon Nazarene University                1/--                        2/--        00
92Maroon: Central Michigan University                                                                00
92Marshall Two: Marshall University                                                                00
92Michigan Spare 2                                                                00
92Michigan Spare 3                                                                00
92Michigan Spare 4                                                                00
92Michigan Spare 5                                                                00
92OWU Bishops B: Ohio Wesleyan University                2/--                                        00
92Ottawa Garnet: University of Ottawa                                                                00
92Ottawa Grey: University of Ottawa                                                                00
92Penguin Programmers - White: Youngstown State University                                                                00
92Sheridan Spare 1                                                                00
92Sheridan Spare 2                                                                00
92Sheridan Spare 3                                                                00
92Sheridan Spare 4                                                                00
92Team 2: The University of Toledo                1/--                                        00
92Team Muskie: Muskingum College1/--        4/--        2/--                        00
92Thiel Foofinator: Thiel College                                                                00
92Thiel Obob: Thiel College                1/--                                        00
92UT@LCCC1: The University of Toledo @LCCC                                                                00
92Vegetable Men: Allegheny College                                                                00
92Wright State Team 1: Wright State University        3/--2/--                        7/--        00
92XU-Team A: Xavier University                                2/--                        00
92Zombies: University of Cincinnati                3/--                                        00